
Call for Papers

Theme: Individual, Community and Society
Subtitle: Conflict, Resolution and Synergy
Type: 4th Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy
Institution: International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Location: Osaka (Japan)
Date: 27.–30.3.2014
Deadline: 1.12.2013


The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global
university partners is proud to announce the Fourth Asian Conference
on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy, to be held from March 27-30 2014,
at the Rihga Royal Hotel & the adjoining Osaka International
Conference Center, Osaka, Japan.

This international and interdisciplinary conference will again bring
together a range of academics and practitioners to discuss outside
the traditional confines of narrow fields of specialism, and in new
directions of research and discovery in ethics, religion and
philosophy. As with IAFOR's other events, and by bringing together a
number of university scholars working throughout Japan, Asia, and
beyond to share ideas, ACERP 2014 will afford the opportunity for
renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, and networking
across higher education and beyond.

2014 Conference Theme:
"Individual, Community & Society: Conflict, Resolution & Synergy"

Conflict is an integral part of the human condition. The universal
struggle between our personal selves – who we are as unique, separate
and different from others, with our specific blend of experiences,
abilities, attitudes, aspirations, needs and wants – and our social
selves, intricately connected to, and interdependent on, others – our
loved ones, our friends and favoured groups, our communities and
cultures – leads inevitably to internal as well as interpersonal

Conflict among our communities and societies is also natural, given
that these groups are founded on commonality – of geography, values,
attitudes, beliefs, aspirations – and differentiated from others
based on these. Diversity, however, though it may lead to conflict,
plays an important role in the flourishing of communities and
societies. One of the challenges of modern society is harnessing the
synergy that emerges from the interaction of these differences.

The organizers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a
variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for
consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and
across a variety of disciplines and fields related to Ethics,
Religion and Philosophy, including the following streams: 

- Philosophy and Religion
- Philosophy and the Arts
- Philosophy and Public Policy
- Philosophy and Technology
- Philosophy and Culture
- Philosophy and Education
- Philosophy and Peace Studies
- Comparative Philosophy
- Linguistics, Language and Philosophy

- Medical Ethics
- Business and Management Ethics
- Ethics in Education
- Ethics, law, and Justice
 -Ethics and Globalization
- Ethics and Science
- Comparative Ethics
- Linguistics, Language and Ethics

- Theism and Atheism
- Feminism and Religious Traditions
- Religion and Education
- Religion and Peace Studies
- Mysticism, Faith, and Scientific Culture
- Interfaith Dialogue
- Comparative Religion
- Linguistics, Language and Religion

- Conflict Resolution and Mediation Studies

Please note that you are asked to submit only ONE proposal of any
kind to the ACERP 2014 conference. The deadline for submissions is
December 1 2013. 

For more information about the ACERP2014, please visit the conference
website at: http://acerp.iafor.org


Prof. Stuart D. B. Picken
International Academic Forum
Email: ac...@iafor.org
Web: http://acerp.iafor.org


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