
Call for Publications

Theme: Landscape and Climate Change
Publication: Change Over Time. International Journal of Conservation
and the Built Environment
Date: Issue 5.2 (Fall 2015)
Deadline: 1.9.2014


Whether climate change is human-induced or part of the natural cycle
of events, there is no doubt that it is impacting our planet and our
heritage resources. Modern climate change science began in the last
quarter of the nineteenth century and was accelerated in the third
quarter of the twentieth century. In more recent years, there has
been a growing recognition of the real and potential impacts of
climate change, especially on natural systems, such as temperature,
sea levels, storm occurrence and intensity, temperature ranges, and
vegetative patterns.

More recently, research has turned to the impact of climate change on
significant cultural resources, including historic structures and
archeological sites. This work, however, has only now begun to
address the impact of climate change on cultural landscapes. There is
a growing need for a broader understanding in a number of areas,
including: the differences between global change and local or
regional impacts; potential policy implications; and models for
adaptation and intervention. Among the factors that need to be
considered, within a range of climate change impacts on cultural
landscapes, are: temperature fluctuation, water cycle modification,
vegetation management, invasive species, and change in fire
occurrence, as well as the potential for increased land development
pressures. Basic to this discussion, but not always articulated, are
the fundamental issues of integrity and character-defining features
in a resource type that is inherently dynamic.

This issue will explore many facets of the impacts of climate change
on significant cultural landscapes. We look for a range of topics
that include case studies, theoretical and philosophical examinations
of this topic, the position of cultural landscapes in the larger
historic preservation discourse on climate change, and applicable
lessons from other disciplines. The goal is to provide a basis from
which our responses to known and unknown impacts of climate on
cultural landscapes can be advanced.

Guest Editor: Robert Melnick


Meredith Keller, Editorial Assistant
Change Over Time. International Journal of Conservation and the Built
Email: c...@design.upenn.edu
Web: http://cotjournal.com


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