
Call for Papers

Theme: Globalization, Culture and Identity
Subtitle: Challenges and Prospects
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of Social Sciences, FLAME University
Location: Pune (India)
Date: 25.–26.2.2017
Deadline: 30.9.2016


We live in liminal times; in threshold times. The unprecedented pace
of globalization, especially in the last two decades, has impacted
every aspect of our public and private lives. Countless technological
innovations authored by globalization have resulted in the automation
of production processes, continuous modernization and upgrading of
work techniques, creation of virtual communities, and massive
transformations in the meaning of geography and borders. This
ceaseless movement of products, processes, and people has irrevocably
transformed human cultures across the world in dramatic ways.

We witness on the one hand the rapid unravelling of relationships,
affinities, and political structures, and on the other hand confront
the rise of spontaneous solidarities in real and virtual spaces. Even
as diversity and pluralism are celebrated, cosmopolitan impulses
struggle at the altar of crisis-induced xenophobia. Religion too
struggles against nihilistic aporias, and nation-states struggle to
retain the loyalty of their citizens. Universalism is challenged
everywhere by resurgent particularisms. Technology both blinds and
informs; deadens and resurrects. Knowledge creation and dissemination
are increasingly decentralized and democratized, yet more and more
people speak past each other, instead of to each other.

At this juncture, it is useful to pause and explore critical
questions and concerns confronting our society. Do opportunities
opened up by globalization help individuals and communities break out
of the rigid structures of caste and religion? What are the multiple
ways in which media helps individuals question new expressions of
caste, class and patriarchy? In a globalized world, increasingly
marked also by new fundamentalisms, how do individuals and groups
articulate their ideas about poverty, equality, justice and
development? In what ways does communication technology shape the
everyday lives of young people transitioning to adulthood in urban
and rural spaces, and what does it imply for the future of ideas,
relationships, work, and social change? What are the changes and
continuities in organizations and work cultures in these new
circumstances? In what ways do new-media facilitate the expression of
multiple and fluid identity formations, and unhinged paths of
transnational capitalism? In the popular rhetoric of development,
defined mostly as economic growth, what kind of future can be
imagined for the poor, displaced and marginalized?

The list is anything, but complete. After nearly four decades of
debating globalization in the public sphere, not only are we yet to
exhaust our discussions and dialogues on its impacts, we are faced
rather with a new range of urgent concerns. In this light, we invite
well researched papers, both theoretical and empirical from various
disciplines to this knowledge-building platform.

Proposed Panels

- Migration and Diaspora
Migration, as part of the inevitable reality of globalisation, is
among the most serious contemporary concerns with far-ranging social,
cultural, political, economic, demographic and ecological
implications. Migration of all sorts, legal/illegal/refugee movement
etc., across the globe not only just impacts the economy and polity
of the sending, transit and receiving countries but also compels
nation-states to respond to issues like ‘super diversity’, ‘national
identity and culture’, demographic changes, ‘home-grown terrorism’
and so on. This panel seeks to explore the profound implications of
such movements on global, state, and non-state actors, on diasporic
populations, and the larger socio-economic and cultural fabrics in a
rapidly changing international, national and regional context.

- Youth and Identity
Along with peers, family and school, digital media plays a central
role in shaping the lives of children and young people today.
Increasingly, young people use digital spaces to build relationships,
express opinions and assert desires. Everyday experiences in real and
online spaces also involve encountering new knowledge, risks and
pleasures. In what ways does this virtual society lead to the
creation of new and/or multiple identities, and what does it imply
for social, economic, private and political futures? This panel
intends to address the multiple and fascinating ways in which
consumer culture and communication technology shapes the lives of
young people in urban and rural India.

- Caste and Religion
Contemporary globalization it was presumed, would unhinge, and edge
away older pivots of organizing private and public lives. Yet today,
we witness a fevered reassertion of caste and religious identities by
both, those who were hitherto protected, as also those who remain
disadvantaged by caste and religious ascriptions. Do calls for
equality and abolition of caste and religion based reservation
address or maintain disparity? Is it necessary to engage caste in
order to transcend it? Can those who are not dispossessed speak for
those who are? How does the individual engage with her religious
practice in the face of militant assertions on religious, secular and
atheist fronts? Is religion political, and should it be? Does
religion lend itself to the expression of socio-economic, political
and ethnic grievances, or is religion itself the bone of contention.
This panel intends to explore the range of urgent challenges
confronting caste and religion in contemporary times.

- Organisations and Identity
In the age of transnational corporations with globally spread apart
chains of production, distribution and consumption, what is the role
of identity politics of nations and nationals? What do we make of the
claims of fluid identity formations and unhinged paths of
transnational capitalism? Globalization is marked by workforce
diversity, team work and collaborations across cultures.
Multinationals may seek to impose their policies on the workforce.
These may be embraced as well as resisted by employees. The interplay
of multiple identities in the modern day arena of work and
organisations has led to unprecedented challenges for individuals and
collectives, often at the crossroads of political and socio-economic
changes, and in the process continues to unravel novel dilemmas. This
panel intends to highlight the ways in which organizations and
related identity struggles impact each other.

- Media and Identity
Global society has witnessed the phenomenon of media and its effect
on individual, national and transnational identities over the past
several decades and there is a paradigmatic shift in the
understanding of identity today. Media plays a significant role in
the construction of cultural identities and it is axiomatic that
global interconnections enabled by digital media are playing a
central role in the transformations of these identities. There
remains an urgent need to advance our understanding of how media
proliferates spaces- local, regional, and global. This panel
accordingly, seeks to augment discussions and conversations on media,
culture, and identity.

- Development and Displacement
The scale and scope of developmental changes brought about by
globalization in various arenas is truly staggering- from handling
double-dip recessions to trading raw materials for making nuclear
weapons, from switching to e-governance to developing public private
partnerships, from storing information in clouds to enrolling for a
one-way mission to the Mars, from predicting Tsunamis to fixing
oil-spills in great seas. However, development is not without
strings; oftentimes, with modernization come displacement and
disorientation. This begs the question of development for whom, and
at what cost? This panel seeks to gauge the alienation of products
and processes, the displacement of populations, and the destruction
of environments that are a part and parcel of the globalization

We hope to continue our discourses and debates on the prospects and
challenges that lay ahead for individuals and societies to sustain in
the globalized world, on all of the above themes and even those that
are not captured within this range of concerns. The Conference aims
not just to gather a critical mass of ideas but also emerge as a
launching pad for future research collaborations.

Key Note Speaker: Ganesh N. Devy

Important Dates

Submission of abstract:
30th September, 2016

Notification of acceptance of abstract:
15th October, 2016

Last date for submission of selected papers:
15th December, 2016

Last date for registration:
20th January, 2017

Abstract Submission Details

Abstracts must include context, purpose, methodology, major findings,
implications and key words Abstracts, along with a brief bio-data
should be sent to: gci2...@flame.edu.in

Criteria for selection of papers: Relevance to the conference theme,
methodology, originality, sound conclusion/s, relevant references.

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