
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration and Diasporas
Subtitle: Emerging Diversities and Development Challenges
Type: International Conference
Institution: School of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary
Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Location: New Delhi (India)
Date: 22.–23.3.2017
Deadline: 30.11.2016



Human mobility and migration is not a recent phenomenon rather it is
one of the survival strategies adopted since the dawn of human
civilization. Migration is the most important and natural phenomena
leading to human progress and development. The International
Migration Report (2015) brought out by UNDP underscores the
importance of migration and development linkages. It mentions that
there are more than 244 million people or 3.3 percent of world's
population live outside their country of origin. Most of them are
youth population with median age 39 years. Unlike earlier migration,
the recent decade has seen growing feminisation of migration. The
migration flow cannot be ignored in an interconnected global world
considering its impact on the social, economic and political arena.

Both migration and its outcome in the form of Diaspora has been a
significant policy challenge for the home and host countries. No
countries and society stand isolated today. The global movement of
individuals, ideas, technology, and culture, has significantly
affected the everyday interactions among people. The complex
interplay of local and global conditions, including the lobby groups,
socio-economic and political conditions of the country, levels of
development, technological progress and other institutional
development such as financial, educational, social, etc., have also
influenced the migration and diaspora policy formation of the host as
well as source country. Today, migrant and diaspora communities are
seen as a critical component of the development process of a country.
Development engagement is constantly mediated through social and
cultural identities of the migrant and Diaspora communities. These
identities are not only very diverse but are also a space for social,
political and ideological contestation.

There are different challenges faces by different countries with
regard to engagement with migrant and diaspora communities.
Developing countries face different challenges in the emerging
scenario as compared to the developed countries as they encounter
with different level of human progress and development. Therefore,
today the focus is more sustainability, inclusiveness, diversity and
multiculturalism as barometers of development. With the advent of
knowledge-based service economy and development of ICT and
transportation, the the migrant communities and diasporas often
played a very significant role in many countries in the process of
transfer of knowledge and skills, being part of innovation and
investment. In recent years, we find the policies related to the
human and financial capital gaining serious attention. Contrary to
the idea of brain drain that dominated the development debate in the
60s and 70s among the scholars and policy-makers of developing
countries, migrant and Diaspora communities in the age of internet
are seen as human, financial and social capital for the development
of their home as well as the host country. Human capital plays an
important role and can be effectively transferred across borders with
the use of ICT creating opportunities in many sectors such as higher
education, training, research, and development, etc. There is
evidence of successful diasporic knowledge transfer in many areas
such as IT and Healthcare. For example, the Bangalore IT boom in
India and the corporate health care is a diasporic venture rooted in
the Diasporas in developed countries especially in the USA. Similar
is the case of China’s economic progress.

The other important areas of recent development are the global and
local cultural diversity as a result of multidirectional movement of
people and through virtual platforms such as T.V, the Internet,
films, etc. The impact of migration and Diaspora on culinary, dress,
language, films, and literature has become a fascinating area of

The recent crisis due to forced migration and refugee adds new
dimensions to the migration and Diaspora debate. Forced migration
played a very significant role in the formation of Diaspora
population. Historically, most of the Diasporas from India, China,
Turkey, Africa, etc. are the outcome of forced migration as a result
of colonization or conflict. Today the forced migration crisis has
been further intensified due to conflicts within and between

Being a vast country with more than billion-plus population, India
has one of the highest numbers of the international migrants today.
There is a massive flow of migration both within and outside the
country. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a proper information
system, research and policy apparatus for harnessing the benefits of

The issues related to migration and Diaspora are dynamic and
interrelated, one need to understand the complexities which are
obviously not possible by any single stakeholders. Therefore, it is
time for a serious rethinking on many issues confronting the
humanities as a result of human movement. The need for
interdisciplinary engagement and meaningful debate is imperative to
go forward.


In this context, this Conference is an attempt to consolidate the
research findings related to policies on Diaspora that will provide
better insights into the issue. The general objectives and specific
objectives are given as below.

General Objectives

1. To get familiar with the recent theoretical and conceptual
   advancement in understanding the migration and Diaspora issues
2. To get familiarity with the interdisciplinary perspectives on the

Specific Objectives

1. To get knowledge and insights on the new dynamics of migration and
   diasporic movement as global and local spaces through empirical
2. To have knowledge on policy challenges arising out of migration
   and Diaspora movement
3. To develop an academic and research network that can help the
   programmes initiated by the University in the area of Migration and

There are several countries actively engaged in policies, and there
are hardly any efforts to provide a comparative perspective. The
Conference will have both conceptual as well as applied areas so as
to give a holistic approach to understand the issue.

Themes and Subthemes

* Migration, Diaspora, and Diversities
  - Globalization and International Migration
  - Transnationalism and Globalization

* Diaspora and Policy Challenges
  - Politics of Migration and Policies on Diaspora with implications
    for Foreign and National Security
  - Impact of Politics on Emigration and Immigration (WTO, Bhumiputra
    in Malaysia, Racism, Citizenship issue in Gulf, Visa policy of
    selective, USA/Developed countries
  - Diaspora and diplomacy (cultural diplomacy)

* Diaspora and Development Challenges
  - Remittances
  - Diaspora Investment and Entrepreneurship
  - Knowledge, Technology Transfer, and International Trade

* New Dynamics of Diaspora Engagement
  - Virtual Diasporas and Knowledge Platforms
  - Indian Diaspora, Virtual platform, and development

* Migration and Culture
  - Diaspora culture
  - Hybridity, Creolisation

* Forced Migration
  - Forced Migration
  - Refugee Crisis


It is expected that the conference will provide an idea sharing
platform for scholars working in policy and academic domain.
Comparative perspectives on Diaspora and international migration are
need of the time to make informed choices and up to date readings.
The School which is already working on these issues will get newer
perspectives in the areas and update the knowledge base.


The conference will be an exercise to engage multiple stakeholders
involved in different domains. This exercise will help to intensify
the interdisciplinary conversation among scholars and experts in
academics and policy. India being a country having one of the largest
shares in the migrant and Diaspora population will certainly benefit
with such exercise.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All participants are required to submit abstract of about 300 words
to: diasporaconferenceig...@gmail.com


There is no registration fee require for selected participants.
Accommodation and local hospitality during conference will be
provided to all selected participants.

Prof. Nandini Sinha Kapur and Dr. Sadananda Sahoo

Important Dates

Last date for Receiving Abstracts:
30 November 2016

Communicating about the Selection:
10 December 2016

Full Paper:
15 February 2017

Date of Conference:
22-23 March 2017

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