
Call for Papers

Theme: Philosophy at the Margins
Type: 2016 Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference
Institution: Department of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Location: Honolulu, HI (USA)
Date: 15.–18.3.2017
Deadline: 31.12.2016


The Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference showcases exceptional work
by graduate and advanced undergraduate students in all fields of
philosophy. This year’s conference will focus upon “philosophy at the
margins,” providing a forum for philosophical voices and perspectives
that have been traditionally marginalized in the American academic
setting. This includes a broad range of topics, from feminist
philosophies, philosophies of race, philosophy of disability, to
non-Western and comparative philosophies, and interdisciplinary
philosophies that challenge the strict divide between disciplines.
Some other topics of interest include critical philosophy,
metaphilosophy, and practical ethics in marginalized communities.
There are many other worthwhile topics, and we welcome any papers
that address the general theme.

Email abstracts and full papers by December 31 to
uehir...@hawaii.edu. Papers should be suitable for a 20-minute
presentation. In the body of the email include: 1) Your name, 2)
Title of the paper, 3) Institutional affiliation, 4) Contact
information (email, phone number, mailing address), and 5) Whether
you would like to be considered for a travel award. Send documents in
word format with no identifying information for blind review.
Priority will be given to complete papers. Notification of acceptance
will be sent by January 20th 2017. The Uehiro Student Essay Award
will be presented to the best student presentation. Competitive
partial travel subsidies will be available this year for both
international and domestic travel. All submissions will be considered
for possible publication in the Uehiro Conference Proceedings,
published in the past by Cambridge Scholars Press.


Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference
Department of Philosophy
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
2530 Dole Street, Sakamaki D-301
Honolulu, HI 96822-2383
Email: uehir...@hawaii.edu
Web: http://uehiropc.wixsite.com/2017


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