
Call for Papers

Theme: Comparative Humanities
Subtitle: Re-configuring Humanities Across Cultures
Type: National Conference
Institution: Department of Comparative Literature and India Studies,
English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad
Location: Hyderabad (India)
Date: 5.–7.4.2017
Deadline: 3.3.2017


The history of humanities has always been a history of the
expressions of knowledge derived from the European mind. Since the
Hellenistic age to the contemporary times, the ‘disciplines’ that
study human expressions concerning language, arts, music, theatre,
history, logic, rhetoric and poetics have been governed and regulated
by the European thought. What is termed as ‘humanities’ corresponds
to the German geisteswissenschaften [‘sciences of the spirit’], the
Italian scienze umanistiche [‘humanisitic sciences’], and the Dutch
alfawetenschappen [‘alpha sciences’] – all these terms refer to the
knowledge and thoughts generated in Europe. Enlightenment and
modernity stratified the studies under humanistic disciplines by
rationalizing their content as applicable to all human kind. The
modern European intellectual adventure established the different
expressions of the European mind as constellations of knowledge to be
pursued. Colonization played a very significant role in
universalizing the disciplinary grid for the European thought. With
the advent of Universities, and the departments of Humanities, the
knowledge of the European mind started getting imparted as
disciplines in the universities of the colonized and non-colonized

Thus, the object of inquiry under humanities has suffered an ‘a
priori delimitation’ that confines any investigation to the knowledge
generated by the Greeks, the Romans, the French, the English, the
Dutch or the Germans – in the name of Europe. Due to the Eurocentric
thrust and the epistemic dominance of the occidental knowledge, the
disciplines of humanities are taught in the universities with a
lopsided and disproportional emphasis. This centrism comes for a
scathing attack under some of the contemporary theorists. Derrida,
calls for the emergence of “New Humanities” and “transformed
Humanities” in his deconstructive essay titled “The Future of the
Profession or the University without Condition”. Derrida asserts his
“faith” in a university where Humanities is taught without
pre-conditions or pre-conceived notions about “that which is proper
to man”. Levinas too, in his philosophical explorations, has
deliberated upon the epiphanic moment of “facing the other”. For
Levinas, cultures [just as self] should engage in the task of
“Other-facing”. As he writes, “[T]he Other faces me, puts me in a
question, and obliges me”. The significant lack with regard to the
Western culture, Levinas highlights, is its inability to engage with
its Other, intellectually and otherwise. In a similar vein, Bakhtin
foregrounds the necessity of comparative dialogics that puts forth
the idea of dialogue across cultures in terms of comprehending the
humanistic insights derived from “utterances”. In Bakhtin’s view,
dialogic utterances concerning languages, literature or arts always
invite reciprocation. According to Bakhtin, “In order to understand,
it is immensely important for the person who understands to be
located outside the object of her/his creative understanding, in
time, in space, in culture”. Extended to the context of humanities,
it is possible to locate the monologicity of the western humanities
that have created a singular and unitary identity, thereby
homogenizing the discourse by eliminating its dialogic potentialities.

The conference engages with this ‘problematic of singularity’ in the
humanities with regard to teaching and research. It seeks to draw the
attention of the intellectual community to this crisis of humanities
in the non-European cultures. The state of humanities in Asia [India,
in particular] will serve to demonstrate the lack of a comparative
paradigm in terms of comprehending humanistic insights. Not only is
Asian humanities not taught in the universities of the globe, but
also Asian thinkers are, more often than not, classified as
contributing to the orientalist paradigm generated by the west. Asian
epistemology needs to be exhumed from the debris of colonial
destructions and should be re-established in terms of a dialogic
reciprocal relationship with the western humanistic paradigms. It is
imperative for an Asian academic in the present intellectual scenario
to evolve a comparative science of humanities by foregrounding the
perspectives of the so-called ‘Orient’. Another crucial concern would
be to explore the possibility of a South-South dialogue of the human

The conference sets out to ask a few pertinent questions: what are
the possible ways in which the humanities teaching and research can
be re-configured in the Asian context today? Can the humanities in
general be unraveled from particular locations of culture? What
opportunities and modes can one draw on or bring forth for a
transformative reception of epistemic singularities in rethinking the
humanities today? Given that the primary task of the humanities is to
unravel the modes of constituting the human (by engaging with the
heterogeneous singular human reflections and their material
articulations), what are the effective ways in which one can draw on
cultural singularities to configure the question of being human
today? Can the humanities teaching and research be experimental, and
non-constative in orientation? What are the ways and means through
which one can re-orient the university from its received
politico-philosophical legacy of Europe? Also, one should hasten to
add, can this reorientation be worked out without alibi, without
yielding to the presumed sovereignty of any singular culture? Can the
university receive unconditional thinking in the humanities – a
thinking that is not devoted to gaining sovereign mastery through
knowledge production?

The conference seeks to invite theoretical inquires on the following

- Conceptualizing Asian epistemology
- Human Sciences of the East
- The Eastern  reception and reciprocation
- The crisis of humanities
- Unconditional thinking and university pedagogy
- Comparative science of humanities
- Challenging colonial amnesia
- Comparative thought: what the west knows from the east
- Translating Humanities
- Conceptualizing Asian Art history and Musicology
- Conceptions of the human in Asian cultures

Important dates:

Last date for sending in the abstract: 3rd March, 2017
Selected paper-presenters will be notified by 8th March, 2017
Conference dates: 5-7 April, 2017.

Kindly send in a 500 word abstract to:


Dr. Amith Kumar P V
HOD, Comparative Literature and India Studies
EFL University, Hyderabad
Phone: +91 9908120892
Email: amithami...@gmail.com

Student Co-ordinator:

Mahima Raj,
Research Scholar, Comparative Literature and India Studies
EFL University, Hyderabad
Phone: +91 9701047601
Email: maa.9....@gmail.com

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