
Call for Papers

Theme: Responsibility, Knowledge, and Power
Type: International Workshop
Institution: African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of
Science (ACEPS), University of Johannesburg
Location: Johannesburg (South Africa)
Date: 18.–19.8.2017
Deadline: 31.5.2017


Think of everyday sayings such as, ‘Forgive him for he knows not what
he does’, ‘Knowledge is power’, and ‘With power comes
responsibility’. And think of the ethics debates about whether
knowing what one is doing is a precondition for being responsible for
one’s action, and whether one’s responsibility to help others depends
on one’s ability to do so. Or think, again, of the connection that
feminist epistemologists and race theorists have urged between our
social status and our ability to acquire and produce knowledge.
Finally, consider the views popular amongst post-modernists that
making knowledge claims is invariably an expression of power, and
that power ought to be used so as to enable a wide array of people to
participate in knowledge production. Interestingly, in each case,
only the connection between two of the three concepts of
responsibility, knowledge, and power is explicitly explored. This is
strange given the significance of the concepts and the claimed
connections amongst any pair of them.

The main aim of this workshop is to fill this lacuna by identifying
future directions for research on the connections amongst all three
concepts. However, any interesting discussion of at least two of
these concepts would be welcome. We hope this to be a dialogue along
two axes, African and Western perspectives, and ethics and
epistemology, establishing fruitful international collaborations.

Some possible areas in which these connections may be most
- Moral responsibility - for action and towards others
- Epistemic responsibility and epistemic agency
- Epistemic injustice and ignorance
- Decolonising knowledge

We invite abstracts on any of these topics, as well as others which
throw light on the connections amongst responsibility, power, and


Max. 500 words
Email to vmit...@uj.ac.za
Due: 31 May 2017, 17:00 GMT


Abstracts: 31 May 2017
Letters of acceptance/ rejection: 10 June 2017
Workshop dates: 18-19 August 2017

Keynote speaker

Dr Lubomira Radoilska (University of Kent),
Principal Investigator of British Academy project Reassessing
Responsibility: Why Knowing What One Is Doing Matters

Invited speakers from the University of Johannesburg
Dr Munamato Chemhuru
Mr Chad Harris
Prof Thad Metz

Chad Harris and Veli Mitova


Veli Mitova, Co-director of ACEPS
Philosophy Department
University of Johannesburg
B-Ring 607A, APK
PO Box 524
Auckland Park, 2006
South Africa
Email: vmit...@uj.ac.za
Web: http://africancentre-epistemology-phil-sci.weebly.com


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