
Call for Papers

Theme: Afrocentricity in Visionary Conversations with African/Black
Radical Intellectualism and Afro-Futurism
Type: 29th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference
Institution: Diopian Institute for Scholarly Advancement (DISA)
Location: Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Date: 21.–22.10.2017
Deadline: 1.8.2017


The African world is thriving in spite of bearing witness to dystopic
and threatening political, social, and cultural change and upheaval.
Society is responding to reassertions of supremacist thought, ethos,
insanity, and regression, and there is a caution to avoid a pessimist
trap. In challenging chronophobia, known as a fear of the future,
African people continue to maintain and pursue not only optimum
liberation but also a technological awareness updated from past
ingenuity to present creative consciousness.

This year’s conference welcomes papers that explore the traditions
and praxis of Afrocentric thought with a particular innovation based
on the paradigm’s visionary conversations with sources from the broad
inheritance of African/Black radical intellectualism and contemporary
Pan-African frameworks of Afro-futurism. As the conceptualization of
African freedom will never become stagnant, this year’s conference
solicits cutting-edge and future-building idea formation to help
order responses to the present condition of African people, saturated
with the culture’s tools of victorious consciousness and
preservationist acuity. This year’s conference aims to generate
discourses of reflection and imagination by advancing research that
consider what cultural tools and techniques we have generated that
will be useful and effective for African people’s future needs.

Papers should reflect the highest critical consciousness of
Afrocentric and African-centered epistemologies of the discipline of
Africana Studies. Participation is highly competitive. Formal,
250-word abstracts are due by August 1, 2017.

Submit your abstract online:


Registration for the 29th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International
Conference is open.

General Registration:
$170 -- Early Bird Registration (now through September 30, 2017)
$200 -- General Registration (after September 30, 2017 and On-Site)

Other Registration Types (Flat Rate):
$100 -- Graduate Students
$40  -- Undergraduate Students
$100 -- Unaffiliated Community Members
$80  -- Unaffiliated Senior Citizens

For more information please visit the conference website:


Diopian Institute for Scholarly Advancement (DISA)
Email: i...@diopianinstitute.org
Web: http://www.diopianinstitute.org


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