
Call for Papers

Theme: Exclusion amid Inclusion?
Subtitle: How Power Sharing Engages Non-Dominant Communities
Type: Annual Conference
Institution: Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict, Queen's
University Belfast
   Ethnopolitics Specialist Group, Political Studies Association (PSA)
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)
Date: 9.–10.11.2017
Deadline: 1.9.2017


Over the last two decades consociational power-sharing has emerged as
the dominant model for the governance of societies transitioning from
conflict, applied in settings as diverse as Northern Ireland, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Burundi, Kosovo and Iraq. Whilst this trend in
international peacebuilding has seen peace and stability secured in a
number of conflicts previously considered intractable, fundamental
tensions remain in the theory and practice of power-sharing. Chief
amongst these issues is the apparent ‘trade-off' assumed in
power-sharing pacts between political stability and broader societal
inclusion. As a system predicated on the inclusion of the dominant
ethnic/ethnonational communities in society, power-sharing is seen to
sacrifice the inclusion of other groups that hold alternative
identities, including gender, sexuality and class. It is to these
fundamental questions of inclusion and exclusion that contemporary
power-sharing scholarship increasingly turns, in an attempt to
elucidate the gaps and limitations inherent in the democratic model
and find solutions to such deficiencies.

This conference addresses this critical issue of the exclusion of
non-dominant groups that are not explicitly represented in
power-sharing agreements; of exclusion amid inclusion. It brings
together scholars concerned with this question from a range of
perspectives, disciplines and fields, including but not limited to:
democracy in divided societies, conflict resolution, democratization,
post-conflict state building, political settlements, ethnic politics,
gender, nationalism and national identity, migration and equality and
diversity studies.

A number of related topics will be explored in this two day event,
including the impact of power-sharing on non-aligned groups, such as
non-ethnic political parties, civic social movements, migrant
communities, women and LGBTQ groups.

Key questions addressed in the conference will be:

- How do non-dominant groups experience power-sharing systems?
- What opportunities and constraints do these groups encounter in
  such settings?
- How can power-sharing institutions better accommodate these
- What strategies do non-dominant actors use to mobilise within these
  political structures?

The programme will present cutting edge research in the fields of
power-sharing, post-conflict democratization and state building.
Professor Allison McCulloch will act as a keynote speaker.

We welcome contributions which address these core themes and
questions from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical and
empirical papers and encourage applications to a wide range of
international cases studies, both single case and comparative. By
drawing together relevant expertise and ideas from across the world,
this event aims to provide a timely forum for the discussion of
equality and inclusion in divided societies and ultimately move this
debate forward.

Proposals for papers should include the contact details of the
author(s) and an abstract of up to 200 words.

Panel proposals must include:

- a minimum of three papers and a maximum of four
- contact details of paper-givers and (if available) the discussant
  and chair
- panel title and individual paper titles
- a short description of panel (maximum 200 words)

Proposals should be submitted online:

The final deadline for submission of proposals for papers or panels
will be midday, September 1 2017. Notices of acceptance will sent out
within a week of the date. 

Organising committee:
Timofey Agarin, Queen's University Belfast
Cera Murtagh, Queen's University Belfast

Should you have any questions, please email:

Conference website:


Dr Timofey Agarin, Director
Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict
School of Politics and International Studies
Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)28 9097 3658
Fax:   +44 (0)28 9023 5373
Email: eai.dile...@gmail.com


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