
Call for Publications

Theme: African Philosophy and Rights
Publication: Theoria: The Journal of Social and Political Theory
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 15.2.2018


African philosophers have been at pains to give a philosophically
robust conception of Afro-communitarianism. One of the central issues
that characterize these efforts concerns determining the status of
rights in Afro-communitarianism. The current debate on this topic was
initiated by Ifeanyi Menkiti (1984: 180) who remarked that rights are
secondary in Afro-communitarianism. Though he never clarified or
defended this position, and the literature never took him up on this
issue, his suggestion implies that rights belong in
Afro-communitarianism. Kwame Gyekye (1992) subsequently defended what
he considered to be a moderate view, which balances rights and duties
as enjoying the same moral status. Gyekye, in his later works,
appears to reject a rights-oriented society (Gyekye, 2004). Most
debates about rights in African philosophy have been strongly
influenced by the respective positions of Menkiti and Gyekye.

Menkiti claims that rights have a secondary status in African
philosophy; and, Gyekye has argued that they are as fundamental as
duties. Neither of these scholars have explained how they understand
rights as ontological and moral properties. Even those scholars who
critique Menkiti and Gyekye assume it is obvious what rights are and
what their functions are in a political theory informed by African
thought, particularly in its decolonial mode (Matolino, 2009;
Famanikwa, 2010). Such concerns about rights in African philosophy
are especially pressing in Afro-communitarianism for several reasons
largely overlooked in the literature.

Firstly, Western communitarians tend to distance themselves from
rights (Sandel, 1982). Some communitarians have even gone further to
label rights as a ‘fiction’ or as an ‘invention’ of the enlightenment
project (MacIntyre, 1982). One immediately wonders why African
scholars have not explained, unlike other communitarian traditions
elsewhere, their commitments to rights, even if they are of secondary
importance. Secondly, Western scholars who espouse the idea of rights
differ on how to understand them and their function (Donnelly, 1982;
Gerwith, 1984; Sen, 2004; Tasioulas, 2012).

These concerns raise questions about (1) the fundamental nature, (2)
the philosophical justification and (3) the function of rights in
Afro-communitarianism. There is pressing concern that those who are
sceptical about rights in Afro-communitarianism state their case.

This special issue of Theoria invites multi-and-interdisciplinary
contributions on questions about rights in the light of
characteristically African cultural values. Submissions should focus
preferably but not exclusively on the status of rights in African
philosophy/studies. Submissions should largely be theoretical rather
than empirical. Submissions on the following topics, among others,
are particularly welcome:

- What is the nature and character of the concept of rights
  influenced by African axiological resources?
- Do rights feature as part of a plausible conception of
- What are the implications of the normative idea of personhood for
  the idea of rights?
- Are rights strictly a Western concept/value?
- Is there an African philosophical paradigm of rights?
- What philosophical foundations could be offered to justify rights
  from an African perspective? Are rights ‘natural’? Are they
  ‘cultural’? Or, they just a ‘fiction’?
- Are rights ‘universal’ or ‘relative’?
- What contributions can African philosophy contribute to the global
  discourse of rights?
- Should African philosophy concern itself with the idea of rights at

Submission date for manuscript to undergo the review process is:
15 February 2018.

For submission:

For style guide:

Guest Editors:
Motsamai Molefe [UKZN] & Chris Allsobrook [UFH]

For any other inquiries you may contact:
Sherran Clarence (theori...@gmail.com)
Motsamai Molefe (mots...@yahoo.com)
Chris Allsobrook (callsobr...@gmail.com)


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