
Call for Publications

Theme: South – North: Identity, Development, Borders
Publication: Working Papers. Journal of Political Studies
Date: Issue 1 (June 2018)
Deadline: 14.3.2018


Working Papers. Journal of Political Studies is a new scientific
journal of political studies that publishes essays and contributions
in Italian and in English, adopting the blind peer-review process.
The Journal is published by Palermo University Press. The direction
of the new editorial project, on the occasion of the release of its
first issue, announces a Call for papers on the theme “South – North:
Identity, Development, Borders”. All contributions will be
peer-reviewed for acceptance. The first Issue of the Journal will be
published in June 2018. All contributions should be written in
English or in Italian.

The journal welcomes contributions in any of the disciplines that
pertain to the field of political studies, broadly conceived
(including multidisciplinary approaches and methods).

Introduction to the Theme of the First Issue

The dichotomy South-North of the World, South-North of a country, is,
historically, a crucial hermeneutical key for understanding the
emerging dynamics that affect different aspects of the social reality
(e.g. cultural changes, changes in the economy, new ways of
interpreting Politics, etc.). In particular, among such dynamics we
wish to emphasise:

1. The predominance of economic power over policy-making decisions and
   over the global juridical order;

2. The radical drop of collective welfare with the consequent
   radicalisation of material inequalities across different sectors of
   the population;

3. The new dramatic humanitarian crises that challenge the
   justification of state power;

4. The destructuralization of traditional societies and the request
   of new rights;

5. The re-emergence of racism and extremism in advanced liberal

6. The concept of border-wall to be erected for political
   securitarian reasons, as well as the new demands of flexible
   borders (both physical, political, cultural, etc.);

7. The fluidity of values between cosmopolitan demands and
   identitarian resistances.

Research Guidelines

The Call for Papers intends to develop the following research themes:

a) Identity
The concept of identity understood as what defines an entity in
virtue of its qualities and features that demarcate differences or
alterity with other entities; as well as what defines the membership
of a subject in a social group (the nation, ethnicity, gender, etc.).
If, on the one hand, there are those who claim the affirmation of
identity by proposing a type of closed society, on the other hand,
there are those who decline identity in terms of plural and inclusive
society, open to multiculturalism. The heterogeneous nature of
identity is evident from the divisions within the same social group;
in fact, depending on the geographic areas considered, the
differences that occur in the same State can be profound. The
historical causes of political and spatial dishomogeneity could be
detected and analysed within the South-North demarcation? Can
similarities and differences be found in the different manifestations
of identity, in its modalities of perception and affirmation, making
them converge into the South-North conceptual scheme? What are the
(economic, social, anthropological, historical) factors that
influence, at a geographical and territorial level, the definition of
one type of identity rather than another? This section intends to
stimulate theoretical speculations concerning the concept of identity
in the philosophical, political and historical-political fields in
order to achieve an updated reconstruction of the debate around the

Keywords: Identity, gender, nationalism, social conflict,

b) Development
The idea of development is often associated to the idea of progress,
which is in turn connected to the idea of people’s welfare and to the
improvement of people’s conditions. In a sense, progress is ‘without
borders’, in that the evolution of human civilization has always
consisted in the crossing of (technological, scientific, social,
etc.) frontiers into unknown territories. The modern idea of progress
is still today object of study, especially in virtue of the ethical
implications of contemporary technological advancements. Nonetheless,
there are many different possible ways of understanding ‘progress’,
and different geographical areas of the world understand this idea
differently: for example, which type of model of development should
we adopt? Should individual countries bear the cost of their choices
with respect to the quality and the speed at which they achieve
technological, scientific, institutional, etc., progress? Are the
Countries of the ‘South of the World’ disadvantaged in achieving
progress? And, if so, which feasible remedies can be put in place to
rectify such disadvantages? These are the main themes that this
research topic aims to put into focus.

Keywords: Development; progress; technology; poverty; economic

c) Borders
The system-world in which we live is defined by that phenomenon which
today conditions every practice and aspect of our daily life and
which we know with the name of globalization. In the past decades the
globalization has invested the entire planet: we have seen an
intensification of interdependencies between States and areas of the
world, which has generated a decomposition and recomposition of
social and juridical situations that need to be reinterpreted and
reconfigured. Consider, for example, the concept of border. The
dynamism of the frontiers following the globalization of the
capitalist market, the unfolding of a continuous displacement of
differences, the multiplication of migratory flows and a constant
remodeling of subjective instances, clearly show a paradigm shift in
the conceptualization of boundaries, beyond the traditional image of
a geographical and geopolitical dividing line between states. The
focus of investigation will therefore be centered on how territorial
and supra-territorial boundaries within the global world undergo
processes of reproduction and regeneration, remodeling and
re-proposing themselves in different forms andin various fields of
investigation. The investigation also aims to investigate, in a
polysemic sense, the idea of borders from an ethical, historical,
philosophical and political point of view, as a limit to state power,
and as a key concept of theories of political obligation.

Keywords: Borders, citizenship, sovereignty, human rights,

Deadline and editorial guidelines

The article (of maximum 5.000 words, including abstract and the 5
keywords) must be accompanied by abstracts (Ita + eng), placed at the
beginning of the article, title centered, of maximum 150 words spaces
included, with the title of contribution indicated and the 5 keywords
inherent to the content of the work. The abstract should also include
the University affiliation of the author and the author’s email

The deadline for sending the abstracts is the 14th of March 2018.

Acceptance of the essays will be communicated to the authors by the
28th of March 2018, while the deadline for the delivery of the final
articles is scheduled on the 5th of May 2018. The contributions, that
pass the blind review process, will be published on the first working
Monday of June 2018.

These deadlines are undelayable, in the penalty of exclusion.

Essays can be written in both English and Italian.

The font used for the essays and the abstract should be Bookman Old
Style, size 10.

The essays should be sent at the following email address:

Editors in Chief:
Luana Maria Alagna, Claudia Atzeni, Pietro Intropi



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