
Call for Papers

Theme: Political Philosophy Looks to Antarctica
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and
Ideas, University of Oslo
Location: Oslo (Norway)
Date: 6.–7.12.2018
Deadline: 15.9.2018


The project "Political Philosophy Looks to Antarctica" cordially
invites academics at all stages of their career development, and
especially graduate students and early career researchers to send us
submissions related to wide normative questions relating to
territorial rights, resource rights and the legitimacy of
international bodies, or to more specific questions connected to the
project’s main aims.

About the project 

Global pressure over natural resources in Antarctica will mount in
the coming decades. Three pressing factors might motivate states to
claim exclusive rights to Antarctica: climate change, dwindling
natural resources in occupied territories, and the fact that, by
virtue of Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty, the question of
sovereignty in the White Continent remains unresolved. We are thus at
a unique point in history to influence the ethical dimensions of the
decisions that may govern Antarctica in the future. 

So far, most analyses of Antarctic politics have taken a descriptive
and matter-of-fact approach, while political philosophy has been
blind to Antarctica as a case study. In the project “Political
Philosophy Looks to Antarctica: Sovereignty, Resource Rights and
Legitimacy in the Antarctic Treaty System”, we use these blindspots
as a point of departure. Our primary objective is to bring political
philosophy to bear on analyses of Antarctic politics more generally,
and of the Antarctic Treaty System more specifically, by focusing on
two topics. First, we are interested in papers that analyze claims
over territory and natural resources in Antarctica from a normative
perspective. Second, we are interested in papers that carry out a
normative analysis of the political legitimacy of the Antarctic
Treaty System, and/or compare it to other international regimes. 

Those who wish to participate should submit a 500 word abstract (max)
with contact details to Hannah Monsrud Sandvik
(h.m.sand...@ifikk.uio.no), no later than September 15th. 

The selected candidates will be notified by the end of September and
should send their full papers by November 1st. The project will cover
the costs of their trip to Oslo and their accommodation, on the
condition that the participants submit their papers by the deadline. 

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