
Call for Publications

Theme: Dialogue and Globalisation
Publication: Culture and Dialogue
Date: Volume 6, Number 2 (2018)
Deadline: Open


'Culture and Dialogue' is an international peer reviewed print and
electronic journal of cross-cultural philosophy and humanities. The
Journal provides a forum for researchers from philosophy as well as
other disciplines who study cultural formations dialogically, through
comparative analysis, or within the tradition of hermeneutics. For
each issue, Culture and Dialogue seeks to bring manuscripts together
with a common denominator.

The next 2018 issue (Volume 6, Number 2) will focus on the theme of
Dialogue and Globalisation:

Globalisation has pervaded all aspects of our lives in many parts of
the world. The phenomenon is obviously not only economic and
technological; globalisation has affected human and cultural
relationships, identity formations, and our ability and willingness
to be attentive to our fellow human beings and the places of our

We welcome essays that attempt to address these issues from different
cultural perspectives or philosophical traditions.

Submissions to:

Notes for Authors:

Open until selection standards are met

ISSN: 2222-3282


Culture and Dialogue
Editorial Board
Email: ad...@culture-dialogue.net
Web: http://www.culture-dialogue.net


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