
Call for Applications

Theme: Complicity in Human Rights Violations
Type: Annual Course 'The Diversity of Human Rights'
Institution: Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC)
Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Date: 1.–7.9.2019
Deadline: 31.3.2019


The annual course "The Diversity of Human Rights" aims at an
interdisciplinary debate about the theory and practice of human
rights, especially between philosophy, jurisprudence and political
science. The course also intends to establish a dialogue between
academic researchers and human rights activists. The topic of this
year’s edition of the course is "Complicity in Human Rights

Human rights violations often involve many agents besides the party
directly committing the violation. Taking the notion of complicity as
a starting point, we aim to explore both theoretical and applied
questions about the legal and moral responsibility of agents who
provide material support to a primary perpetrator or are implicated
in the violation of human rights in some other way.

The notion of complicity figures prominently in the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights, and it is the subject of
long-standing debates in both legal scholarship and moral philosophy.
However, much work is still to be done in connecting debates about
complicity to the human rights framework. 

Theoretical topics to be explored include the interplay between
theories of complicity and theories of human rights (e.g., is
complicity only a viable concept in the context of violations of the
duty to respect human rights, or can we make sense of complicity in
failures to protect and realize human rights?), the mens rea of
complicity, and the causal relationship that has to obtain between a
secondary agent and a primary perpetrator for the secondary agent to
count as an accomplice. 

We are also interested in contributions about political and legal
developments in the field. Questions of interest to the course
include the following: What role do charges of complicity play in the
political sphere? How has the response to such charges changed in
recent years? What legal remedies are, will be or should be available
to victims of human rights violations vis-à-vis corporations or
governments that are implicated in these violations?

Finally, we invite applied contributions on the legal or moral
assessment of specific cases, such as: Are European governments
complicit in the torture of migrants committed by the Lybian coast
guard? Are transnational corporations complicit in human rights
abuses committed by authoritarian regimes that finance their
activities by selling the country’s national resources? 

The organizers invite researchers as well as human rights activists
from all fields and disciplines to send in abstracts that deal with
the topics indicated above. The course language is English.

Submission details

If you are interested in presenting a paper or work in progress,
please send an anonymised abstract of no more than 500 words, as well
as your contact information in a separate file, to
andreas.cas...@philo.unibe.ch by 31 March 2019. Due to budgetary
restrictions, we unfortunately cannot reimburse travel or
accommodation costs.


Miles Jackson (University of Oxford), Christopher Kutz (University of
California, Berkeley) and Chiara Lepora (ICRC)


Andreas Cassee (University of Bern), Anna Goppel (University of Bern)
and Corinna Mieth (University of Bochum)

Course Directors

Elvio Baccarini (University of Rijeka), Bernd Ladwig (Free University
Berlin), Georg Lohmann (University of Magdeburg), Ana Matan
(University of Zagreb), Corinna Mieth (University of Bochum),
Christian Neuhäuser (University of Dortmund) and Arnd Pollmann (ASH

About the IUC

The Inter University Centre Dubrovnik is an independent centre for
advanced study, grounded in its international network of partner
universities. Building upon its location and its history, the IUC
Dubrovnik serves as a bridge between regions within Europe and
between the European region and the world by connecting scientific
communities and connecting communities through science.


Dr. Andreas Cassee
Institute of Philosophy
University of Bern
Email: andreas.cas...@philo.unibe.ch


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