
Call for Papers

Theme: On the Possibility and the Impossibility of Reparations
Type: Workshop
Institution: Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
Location: New York City, NY (USA)
Date: 7.–8.5.2020
Deadline: 31.10.2019


In recent years, demands for historical justice have intensified in
several national contexts in the form of claims to right the
historical wrongs of European colonialism and the transatlantic slave
trade by means of reparations. These demands have primarily been met
with skepticism and distrust from national governments and a number
of sections of civil society. In a context of growing grassroots
activism primarily from black and indigenous communities around the
world, an increasing number of political representatives are
nevertheless starting to come out in support of material reparations.
Reparations for the racialized descendants of European colonialism
and transatlantic slavery is now a conversation at the highest levels
of politics in the Global North in a potentially unprecedented manner.

Scholars dealing with questions of reparatory justice have tended to
sympathize with the moral sentiments surrounding symbolic practices
of reparations, but have often assumed the impossibility of
widespread material reparations in the context of colonialism and
transatlantic slavery. The scope of this emergent politics of repair
is not exclusively moral, however, it goes beyond apology and
commitments to symbolic change. Taking seriously reparatory justice
in material terms thereby poses new demands to scholars interested in
social inequality, racism, colonialism, and reparations.

The broad goal of this workshop is to investigate the significance of
a turn to greater acceptance of material reparations for colonialism
and slavery, to investigate what widespread material reparations
could look like, and to probe the terms on which reparations would be
capable of both enacting repair and combating social inequality in
capitalist, white supremacist, and settler colonial contexts. The
following questions serve as a guide, though we welcome all papers
that deal with the theme of reparatory justice in the context of
European colonialism and transatlantic slavery:

- How can we understand the relationship between racial
categorization and reparatory justice – how do existing legal and
political categories of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity limit or
enable the scope for reparatory justice in various contexts?

- How do articulations of reparatory justice relate to wider
questions of social equality, political participation, and futures
beyond (neo-liberal) capitalism, white supremacy, and settler

- What could material reparations for histories of colonialism,
colonial genocide, and enslavement look like, how might they be
adjudicated and administered?

- How might institutions, vernaculars, and methods of enacting
justice be organized and reorganized in order to provide an adequate
means for Western states to be made materially accountable for the
history of colonialism and its attendant structure of racialized

- On what terms could reparations as a political and legal technology
be capable, in themselves of enacting repair, of righting the wrongs
of the past, especially in contexts of ongoing settler colonialism,
climate catastrophe, and white supremacy? 

The two-day workshop will take place at Columbia University in New
York City on May 7th and 8th 2020. A welcome address will be given on
the first morning by Professor David Scott, after which each
participant will be expected to present a paper of between 20 and 30
minutes. We welcome dissertation or book chapters in progress.
Participants are expected to send final papers to the organizing
committee two weeks in advance and we will distribute the paper
presentation to your fellow panelists.

Scholars who are invited to participate in the workshop may be
eligible to receive a financial contribution toward travel and
accommodation. The stipend aims to assist participants who do not
have access to any funding from their institutions, and who will not
be able to attend the workshop without assistance. Please indicate in
your application a request to be considered for a stipend.

Submission Guidelines

To apply, please email applications and other questions to the
organizing committee at opircolumbia2...@gmail.com by October 31st,
2019 at 11pm (EST). Final decisions for papers to be presented at the
workshop will be announced by November 15th 2019 at the latest.

Applications should include:

- Abstract (max 500 words). The workshop is interdisciplinary so
  please ensure that proposals can be understood by those outside of
  your field,
- CV (max 2 pages),
- Biography (max 250 words).

Please format all file names using “Lastname - Proposal”; “Lastname -
CV”; “Lastname - Bio” (e.g., “Davis - Proposal”, or “Davis - CV”). 


The organizers of this conference are Ph.D. candidates in the
Department of Anthropology at Columbia University.

Anna Kirstine Schirrer (aks2...@columbia.edu)
Howard Rechavia Taylor (hrt2...@columbia.edu)


Anna Kirstine Schirrer and Howard Rechavia Taylor
Department of Anthropology
Columbia University
Email: opircolumbia2...@gmail.com


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