
Call for Papers

Theme: Rethinking Humanities and its Entanglements
Type: International Web-Conference
Institution: Amity Institute of English Studies and Research, Amity
University Kolkata
Location: Online
Date: 5.–7.8.2020
Deadline: 19.7.2020


The thinking of humanities has always been haunted by questions
concerning its efficacy and specificity. The ambiguous constitution
of science, as a discipline absolutely separate from the thinking of
humanities, has already been challenged since many generations. The
central focus, in such questioning, has been the common tendency to
problematize and expose the epistemological politics at work, in the
shaping of truth, through disciplinary preferences. With the passage
of time, the ‘bio’ and ‘techno’-political concerns shaping the
question of intelligibility, has drawn more critical attention,
forcing one to rethink the anthropocentric understanding of
epistemological efficacies. Thus, nonhuman spaces, machinic
becomings, cyborgs, and questions of species-memory started reminding
not only the limits of thinking epistemological specificities but
also the urgency for newer conceptual interventions. The recent turns
like posthumanism and new-materialisms (among others), though have
attempted to critique the universalism of the ‘global’
humanist/humanities subject, yet such search of alterity too had been
characterized by many internal contradictions. Thus, though
Colebroke’s assertion on the necessity of turning towards a
‘posthuman humanities’ remain operative as such continuous necessity
of searching for alterity, yet as an act any attempt at turning for
‘alterity’ remain always contingent. New-materialisms, for example,
has therefore emphasized much on the concepts of ‘entanglement’ and
refractive reading to emphasize on the irreducible interstices
shaping our epistemological understandings always in partial
perspectives. As such, while one may look for an exploration of an
assimilatory (and not exclusionary) disciplinary approach gesturing
towards what Spivak calls the condition of ‘planetarity’, the
question that continues to haunt us is how to do that?

The recent pandemic has reminded again of such limits and the
unavoidable condition of mutual dependence as part of species chain,
instead of holding on to the privileged onto-theological status of
‘mankind’. The urgency of understanding the ‘self’ from an-other’s
perspective (to use Spivak’s phrase from The Death of a Discipline)
has acquired more immediate and ambiguous non/positionalities, since
the marginal nonhuman other has now emerged in the form an invisible
microbiological species threatening the very existence of the most
powerful and most visible species. At this juncture, can one continue
to hold on to the anthropocentric ideas of humanities or can the
disciplinary boundaries be maintained exactly without any threat of
disruption? Questions of bio/techno-politics, identity construction
and intelligibility had always been inextricably linked with the
question of thinking humanities, the urgency now is to rethink those
entanglements again, as we continue to witness the slow movements of
(trans)disciplinary paradigm shifts.

To explore such concerns and rethink the very ‘idea’ of what the
doing of humanities stands for in such shifting times, some of the
areas the conference proposes to engage with (however not limited to)
are as follows:

- Rethinking humanities, science and interdisciplinarity
- Postcoloniality and the question of decolonial
- Aesthetic Education, Globalization and the Question of Ethics
- Subjectivity, Performance and Identity
- Labour, Capital and Value
- Gender, Desire, and Liminality
- Anthropocene and posthuman philosophy
- Environmental humanities and sustainable development
- Digital humanities and technopolitics
- Micropolitics of the Social

If someone’s interest lies in literary studies, humanities, social
sciences or if someone belongs to any discipline but interested in
exploring the disciplinary entanglements, this conference aims at
providing a platform to explore the thinking of disciplines in newer
and more critical ways. The conference thus promises to provide
everyone with not simply a platform where one can share their ideas
with the academic experts but also one where one can engage with,
inter-act and learn from some of the most celebrated academic names
who had been contributing world-wide with their works for many years.

Interested scholars are therefore requested to submit their
proposals/abstracts (maximum 500 words) with name, institutional
affiliation and contact address at aukengl...@gmail.com by July 19,

Registration link:

Proceedings: Selected papers of outstanding quality will go through
blind peer-review process and will be considered for publication in
internationally reputed indexed journals.

Registration Fees: Not Applicable

Keynote speakers

- Nigel Wood, Professor of Literature and Head, School of Humanities,
  Loughborough University
- Ankhi Mukherjee, Professor of English and World Literatures, Wadham
  College, University of Oxford
- Anirban Das, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, Centre for
  Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta
- Cecile Malaspina, Directeur de Programme, College International de
  Philosophie, Paris and Visiting Fellow, Kings College London


Amity Institute of English Studies and Research
Amity University Kolkata
Email: aukengl...@gmail.com


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