
Call for Publications

Theme: Body, Politics, and Nation
Subtitle: Intersections of (Post) Modernity
Publication: Volume edited by Vernon Press
Deadline: 31.8.2020


As the global pandemic travels through and occupies a world
experiencing intense forms of Balkanisation, blockade and nationalist
violence, the intimate site of the body has rarely been more
pertinent than it is today. Body, as a site of contestation, has
occupied a central place in analysis, engagement, control, and
resistance in the post-enlightenment social and political thought.
Controlling and shaping bodies, and thereby individual
subjectivities, was crucial in the transition of human societies from
agrarian modes of organisation to the industrial/capitalist mode of
organisation. Such transformations established some bodies – based on
appearance, gender, colour, sexuality, age etc. – as normal, and
bodies that did not conform to this norm or its associated behaviours
were constructed as aberrations that ought to be rectified, or worse,
annihilated. These questions of global concern further complicate the
proverbial but arbitrary East-West divide, and which might signal the
deepening, or mutating, fault-lines in national politics of tomorrow
the world over.

The work of Norbert Elias and Michel Foucault extensively documented
how the body was entangled in the schemes of power as humanity
embraced the ‘civilising processes’. Feminist scholars such as Sylvia
Wynter, Kumari Jayawardena, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Tanika Sarkar,
Sylvia Walby, Nira Yuval-Davis, Floya Anthias and Cynthia Enloe have
furthered our understanding of the various iterations in which the
body is instrumentalised in the name of nation, community, borders,
and healthcare.

Taking these canonical works as our point of departure, we invite
submissions that take the ‘body’ as a unit of analysis to understand
how national politics and politics in the name of the nation deploy a
rhetoric that (re)constructs or perhaps resuscitates old dichotomies
in the face of new challenges. Who is allowed to stay, where, under
what conditions, and with whom, seems everywhere a pressing concern
which brings together not simply the site of the subject-body and the
nation(-state), but confronts a variegated politics of intersections:
politics of a disciplinary, classed, sexual and gendered, racial and
ethnic character.

Taking the timely but historically-rooted entanglements between the
three – body, politics and nation seriously, we are particularly
interested in submissions that highlight how the state and capitalism
in their neoliberal iterations seek to control, mould, and discipline
the body along the axes of gender, caste, race, sexuality, income
etc. in their pursuit of power and profit.

The broad themes that we are interested in are as follows:
- Constructions/destructions of the national with COVID-19
- Foucauldian disciplinary power and governmentality in the COVID-19
- Crime, policing, and constructions of the nation
- Gender and/or sexual politics of the nation
- Race, racism, and body-politics
- Healthcare, the body, and national politics of welfare
- Statehood/statecraft and the classification of national populations

How to Submit Your Proposal:
Please submit all abstracts (400 words) by the 31st August 2020 to
both Idreas Khandy (i.kha...@lancaster.ac.uk) and Dr. Muneeb Hafiz
(m.ha...@lancaster.ac.uk) [Lancaster University, United Kingdom].


Idreas Khandy
Email: i.kha...@lancaster.ac.uk

Dr. Muneeb Hafiz
Email: m.ha...@lancaster.ac.uk


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