
Call for Publications

Theme: Unheard Voices of Forgiveness
Subtitle: Exploring Underrepresented Perspectives and Confronting
Racism, Sexism, and Xenophobia
Publication: Philosophy of Forgiveness Book Series by Vernon Press
Date: 2021
Deadline: 25.11.2020


Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals to be included in a
forthcoming scholarly volume on the philosophy of forgiveness. All
proposals related to the title are welcome, but special consideration
will be given to those that address specific issues related to
racism, sexism, and xenophobia. All philosophically-based schools of
thought are encouraged to submit, as are other disciplines, as long
as the chapter contains a clear philosophical component. Also,
proposals dealing with corollary issues like resentment, anger,
mercy, and vengeance are welcome, as long as they are appropriately
related to and clearly discussed in relation to forgiveness.

Submission Details

Proposals should be between 300-700 words and should clearly describe
the author’s thesis and provide an overview of the proposed chapter’s
structure. Completed chapters are also welcome. All
proposals/chapters should be prepared for blind review, removing any
reference to the author. As a separate document, authors should
provide a short CV containing contact information and relevant
publications, presentations, and/or research on forgiveness.

Edited by Court D. Lewis.
Please email questions and submissions to:


Abstract/Chapter Due: 25 November 2020
Notification of Acceptance: (no later than) 10 January 2021
Finalized Draft Due: 30 May 2021
Finalized Paper: 30 June 2021

Vernon Press is an independent publisher of scholarly books in the
social sciences and humanities. Our mission is to serve the community
of academic and professional scholars by providing a visible, quality
platform for the dissemination of emergent ideas. We work closely
with authors, academic associations, distributors and library
information specialists to identify and develop high quality, high
impact titles. For more information, visit www.vernonpress.com.


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