

Type: GIP Online Lectures on Intercultural Philosophy
Location: Online
Date: 5.11.2020


GIP-Lectures Online

The Society for Intercultural Philosophy (Gesellschaft für
Interkulturelle Philosophie – GIP) is launching a new lecture series.
Given the serious situation of Covid-19 pandemic we would like to
take advantage of the general necessity to communicate digitally. A
digital lecture format allows members from all over the world to
participate; also this gives us the chance to invite speakers from
around the globe more easily. We very much invite all of you to join
the monthly lectures and make this a forum for lively discussion!

Our next session:

Thursday, November 5th, 19:00 (CET)

Prof. Dr. Tariq Modood
School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University
of Bristol, UK:

"Can Interculturalism complement Multiculturalism?"


European/UNESCO interculturalism (IC) emerged as a critique of
multiculturalism (MC) (complicated by the fact that there is an
alternative Quebecer interculturalism, not discussed in this
lecture). I suggest that this relationship has gone through three
phases. Phase one begins in the 1990s with a general dissatisfaction
with MC from many political and intellectual sources. Phase two,
roughly from about the middle of the last decade, is when IC
scholars, mainly sociologists, though also in cultural studies,
policy studies, migration studies, geography as well as education
emerge in significant numbers. The engagement with multiculturalism
is superficial and serves the purpose of clearing the ground in order
to get on with a new research or policy. Phase three is the political
theory justification of IC. I argue that these three phases have not
established a pro-diversity ‘ism’ which can replace MC. While I hope
we may move on to a phase four, where MC and IC are seen to be
complementary, I here re-state what I think are the key concepts of
MC. I hope it will be evident that firstly, that these concepts are
not out of date or redundant; and secondly, therefore, that IC is
wrong to abandon them.


Our last lecture of the year will be given Tuesday, December 15th:

Dr. John Lamola, University of Pretoria

Malesela John Lamola is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the
University of Pretoria where he researches and teaches on African
Social Philosophy and the Philosophy of Technology. In addition, he
holds Senior Research Associate appointment at the Institute of
Intelligent Systems of the University of Johannesburg.  He obtained
his PhD degree from Edinburgh University and an MBA degree from
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. His research interests are in
Political Philosophy in the context of the emergence of African
Modernity, and on the intersection between technology and an
Africanist social theory and practice. He publishes on Marxian
epistemology, applications of Sartrean existential anti-colonial
philosophy to contemporary African socio-ontological inquiries, and
on the representation of Africans in the technologies of the fourth
industrial revolution. Dr Lamola is a professional member of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers’ (IEEE) Society on
Social Implications of Technology, an active member of the Social
Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, the South African Center of
Phenomenology, and is the founder the Research Group on Africa,
Philosophy and Digital Technologies (APDiT).


To participate please send a short notice, before the day of the
lecture, to: niels.weidtm...@ciis.uni-tuebingen.de

The lecture will be given via zoom. A zoom-link will be sent to all
those who registered.



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