
Call for Papers

Theme: Cultural Divides
Subtitle: Bridging Gaps and Making Connections
Type: 1st Virtual Conference
Institution: Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA)
Location: Online
Date: 4.–6.3.2021
Deadline: 25.1.2021


The Humanities encompasses a vast story comprised of many stories.
From the classics through the present day, from ancient times to the
contemporary, the humanities as a discipline speaks through time, as
a voice for many cultures, addressing many peoples. HERA invites
research, papers, panels, and presentations embracing inclusivity in
all aspects of the human conditions – including, but not limited to,
race, class, gender, sexuality, age, veteran status, ability, power,
ecology, sustainability. We encourage a wide and extensive
representation of disciplines and interdisciplinary projects. Every
field in the humanities, liberal & creative arts, and social sciences
is appropriate. Our goal is to foster the sharing and expressing of
the humanities as an urgently important human enterprise – helping to
clarify the crucial immediacy of the humanities and why they should
be encouraged, supported, and sustained.

Submissions are encouraged from educators at all levels as well as
all those with an interest in the arts and humanities. Proposals for
papers, panels, or workshops (150-200 words) must be submitted
through the conference submission portal on HERA’s new website:

HERA's Undergraduate Humanities Prize

A prize of $500 will be awarded to the best undergraduate conference
paper that addresses race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality.  Creative
presentations, readings, and exhibitions are also welcomed.
Undergraduate students applying for the prize, must indicate this on
their submission abstract.

HERA Undergraduate Research Prize

A prize of $1,000 will be awarded to the best undergraduate
conference paper (or divided among a panel of papers), sponsored by
an attending professor (with a $500 prize awarded to the professor).
See HERA’s website for more details.

Creative presentations, readings, and exhibitions are also welcomed.

Undergraduate students may apply for only one of the two
undergraduate prizes.

Presentation time for individual papers is limited to 15-20 minutes.

Deadline for submission: no later than January 25, 2021.

Questions may be directed to the conference organizer, Marcia Green:


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