
Call for Publications

Publication: Race and Yoga
Date: Issue 7.1 (2022)
Deadline: 1.2.2022


The Race and Yoga editorial board is currently seeking articles,
personal narratives, interviews, book reviews, and creative works for
the seventh issue of the journal. For this open theme issue, we are
particularly interested in work that addresses the contemporary
context and/or explores the connection between the present and the

Race and Yoga is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and
international academic journal committed to critical examinations of
the history, politics, and practice of yoga.

Possible topics may include yoga in relationship to:

- Communities and accountability in the COVID-19 context, including
  but not limited to:
     - COVID-19 conspiracies
     - Studio safety, community care policies & vaccinations
- White Supremacists, Fascism, Nationalism, Settler Colonialism
- Philosophical principles in relationship to critical race and
  gender studies
- Philosophical principles of self in relationship to community
- Alternative health practice
- Environmental studies
- Cartesian dualism
- Santosha/Contentment in a global pandemic
- Capitalism grind/hustle culture, and the gig economy
- Labor practices
- Community building and dividing
- Inclusive/exclusive, safe/threatening spaces
- Caste hierarchies
- Practices and communities outside North America
- Yoga retreats and yoga teacher trainings in India and elsewhere
- Perceptions of the practice in the body from an Indigenous and/or
  non-Western perspective, including but not limited to:
     - Sensations, somatic awareness, and parts of the body conversing
     - Sensory attention beyond replicating shapes
- Kinesthetic knowledge
- Non-Eurocentric epistemologies or cosmologies
- Plural selves
- Cultural appropriation/co-optation (e.g. of cultural symbols)
- Possibilities and limitations of identity politics
- The politics of representation
- Lateral oppression
- Material and structural resistance
- Social Justice and Transformative Justice

Papers addressing other topics will also be considered.

Aims and Scope

Race and Yoga is the first peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and
international academic journal committed to examinations of the
history and practice of yoga; the journal brings together critical
yoga studies and critical race theory/ethnic studies to examine
issues surrounding the history, racialization, sex(ualization), and
inclusivity (or lack thereof) of the yoga community. Race and Yoga is
published through The University of California Press’s e-scholarship
division. Race and Yoga accepts original, unpublished manuscripts (no
simultaneous submissions or previously published works) only.

Peer Review Policy

Race and Yoga editors vet each submission to ensure alignment with
the journal’s scholarly goals. If selected, the submission is sent to
two anonymous referees.

Submission Instructions

Article manuscripts should be limited to 8,000 words, including
endnotes and references. Review essays should be limited to 4,000
words. Review essays may survey recently published literature, films,
art exhibits, or popular culture related to the field. Papers should
be left-justified and use a non-decorative font (e.g. Times New
Roman). An abstract that does not exceed 250 words should be
included. For endnote and reference formatting, follow the Chicago
Manual of Style, 17th edition (author-date style). Papers that do not
adhere to submission guidelines will be returned to the author for

Personal narratives should be 2,000-3,000 words.

Deadline: February 1, 2022

Upload your abstract, manuscript, and 150 word bio (as the
supplementary file) to:

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