
Call for Publications

Theme: Indigenous Feminisms Across the World
Publication: Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
Date: Vol. 22, No. 2 (Fall 2023)
Deadline: 20.3.2022


Several years ago Meridians joined many academic organizations and
institutions in the United States in issuing a land acknowledgement,
recognizing that our Western Massachusetts-based offices are on
Nonotuck land. In this we formed part of a wave of solidarity with
Indigenous peoples that necessarily begins with recognition of how
settler colonialism is deeply ingrained, embedded, and naturalized in
every way, from place naming conventions to thought structures.

Thus, as a first step toward moving from acknowledging to acting in
the spirit of redress and forum building, Meridians undertook an
audit of the content we have published in the twenty years of our
existence. We found a shocking (if all too common) lack of Indigenous
feminists and/or Indigenous feminist work in our ouevre to date. As a
result of this data, and by way of beginning to transform our
practice, we have endeavored to increase the participation of
Indigenous feminist scholars and knowledge producers as peer
reviewers and contributors to the Meridians project. Candelario’s
preliminary efforts yielded several publishable submissions focused
largely on the Americas. Rather than intersperse these among other
issues, we decided to include them in an entire issue devoted to
Indigenous Feminisms Across the World.

Meridians also invited several Indigenous scholars with long-standing
ties to the journal to guest edit or co-guest edit a special issue
with Editor Ginetta Candelario, whose scholarly expertise includes
racial formation in the Americas, but none were able to take on this
project. However, one of those Indigenous consultants suggested that
Basuli Deb, a Bengali scholar who works on materialities of
Indigenous and transmigrant lives and who has published in Meridians,
would be well suited to the role. So it was that Deb and Candelario
began their collaboration as co-editors of this special issue, which
we hope will not only inspire submissions to this issue, but to
Meridians in general. Likewise, we hope this will inspire proposals
for future issues guest edited by Indigenous feminist scholars of
feminism, race, and transnationalism.

This new special issue on transnational feminist approaches to
Indigeneity intervenes in conversations where “decolonial feminism is
often associated with Indigenous scholars and those from the
Americas, and postcolonial feminism with scholars from South Asia,
Africa, and the Middle East.” (Priti Ramamurthy and Ashwini Tambe,
Preface. Feminist Studies 43.3 (2017), p. 504) We hope to bring
together conversations about Indigeneity from across Asia and Africa
as well as Australia, Europe, and the Americas. A transnational
comparative approach to Indigeneity between the Americas and the
“elsewhere” as a philosophical category enables a productive
decentering of the Western Hemisphere. Thus, our goal is to explore
the praxis driven possibilities of activist, creative, and epistemic
engagements within and across hemispheric Indigenous politics,
economies, histories, and peoples.

In that spirit, the editors of this issue of Meridians invite
activist, creative, and scholarly submissions, as well as overlaps of
these, that speak to perspectives that both include and decenter the
Americas in thinking about Indigeneity. We seek submissions that will
create space for voices about gendered Indigenous epistemologies and
practices grounded in experiences from other transnational, regional,
and local experiences that are regularly marginalized in
conversations about Indigeneity in the Americas. Submissions focused
on New Zealand, Australia, Kenya, DRC, Somalia, South Africa,
Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Palestine, Kashmir, Okinawa, and
Ainu are especially of interest to us.

Submissions may include single or collaboratively authored works
(scholarly essays; framed, transcribed, and translated speeches;
interviews) as well as solo and collaborative creative works (visual
art, artists’ documentation of performative projects, poetry, short
stories, excerpts of novels). State of the Field, Media Matters, and
Culture Works features are particularly encouraged; see
https://sophia.smith.edu/meridians/submissions/ for more information.

Please upload your submissions by March 20, 2022 to Meridians’
Editorial Manager submissions system:

Be sure to select “Indigenous Feminisms Across the World” from the
drop-down list. Please note that submissions must be formatted using
Chicago Manual Style 17, must include an abstract and keywords, and
must not include any author identifying information, as all
manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed.


Basuli Deb
SOAS, University of London

Ginetta E.B. Candelario
Smith College

For questions about the manuscript review process, email:

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