
Conference Announcement

Theme: Women Philosophers in the Process of Decolonization
Type: Online Conference
Institution: Project 'Histories of Philosophy in a Global
Perspective', University of Hildesheim
Location: Online
Date: 17.–18.3.2022


For many centuries the discipline of philosophy maintained a
tradition that denied intellectual abilities of women. As practices
and processes of colonization supported the dissemination of
philosophical works almost exclusively written by male philosophers,
ideas and theories written by female thinkers have been ignored. This
institutional ignorance started to change since the movement of
women’s rights in the 19th century. But especially the rise of
feminism in the 1960s caused a rapidly growing interest in the works
of female philosophers within academic philosophy. Nonetheless, women
that are being discussed are mainly of European origin. This shows
that colonial relations of power continue to persist in our present.
While white women philosophers have criticized the oppression of the
female gender, they lacked the awareness of situating themselves
within the system of white domination. As it is the responsibility of
academic philosophy to overcome such dynamics of suppression and
destructive enmeshment on a global level, an interinstitutional shift
must happen in order to avoid further oppressive practices in the

Since years feminist postcolonial theories have been struggling with
the question of how to include gender in the attempt of decolonizing
philosophy. Considering these ongoing debates, it is now important to
go beyond the framework of post- and decolonial feminist theories
that have been developed within a western philosophical framework.
Examining the theories of black feminism, Latin-American feminism,
Asian feminism etc. can lead to a wider, more complex, and global
perspective on developing critiques about the problems we face with
institutional oppression. Regarding this process of revealing blind
spots of the history of philosophy and feminism, our first attempt is
to overcome a tradition that denied intellectual competence of women
in the system of domination throughout the history of colonization.
Secondly, the structural causes that led to the exclusion of
non-European women thinkers shall be examined. In this discussion,
our final aim is to find sources for reconstructing the knowledge of
women philosophers that have been excluded from the canon until today.


All times listed are local time CET (Central European Time).

Thursday, 17.3.2022

14:00 - 14:20

14:30 - 15:15
Transnational Feminisms Decolonizing Philosophy
Margaret A. McLaren, Professor of Philosophy, Rollins College, USA

15:15 - 15:45

16:00 - 16:45
A Genealogy of Speaking Out of Turn: Tracing the Philosophical
Legacies of Black Women in America
Tiesha Cassel, PhD Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

16:45 - 17:15


14:00 - 14:45
Revitalizing Native American Feminism Through Dance
Shay Welch, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Spelman College, USA

14:45 - 15:15

15:30 - 16:15
In the Face of Modernity: Luisa Capetillo, Free Love, Spiritism, and
Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Marquette
University, USA

16:15 - 17:00
Final Discussion

Presented by Koselleck Project
Histories of Philosophy in a Global Perspective

Organized by Namita Herzl, University of Hildesheim

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