
Call for Applications

Theme: Diversity of Human Rights
Type: Academic Course
Institution: Inter-University Center Dubrovnik
Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Date: 29.8.–3.9.2022
Deadline: 31.5.2022


With this year’s topic, we directly address the structuring idea of
our course: the place of human rights between morality, law and
politics. Based on the conviction that recognition in science and
philosophy shall take the form of argumentative exchange, we invite
human rights scholars from different disciplines and schools of
thought to contribute to this conference and to present papers on the
complex relations between morality, law, and politics.

Examples of relevant questions could be: Is a naturalistic theory,
according to which we have human rights simply in virtue of being
human, appropriate to capture the nature of human rights? Or should
we favor some political or practice-dependent conception instead? Are
human rights claims hold exclusively against states or state-like
political institutions, or are other agents also bound by human
rights obligations? Is a state-centered approach of human rights
still the prevailing opinion in International Law? Is the
constitutionalization of international law still a realist utopia
despite the backlash against globalization and multilateral forms of
cooperation? Do human rights necessarily include a right to
democratic governance? Is there a way to reconcile the universality
of human rights with the particularity of rights to citizenship and
of the political experiences that give rise to concrete human rights

We dedicate this year’s course to our friend and colleague Georg
Lohmann. He was the founding figure and director of our course and
its spiritus rector for almost twenty years. Georg died in December
2021. We will miss him dearly.

The organizers invite researchers as well as human rights activists
coming from all fields and disciplines, to send abstracts that deal
with some of the problems and tensions indicated above. The deadline
is May 31st.

Abstracts shouldbe sent to Bernd Ladwig:

Course directors:

Arnd Pollmann, Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin, Germany
Bernd Ladwig, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Christian Neuhäuser, TU Dortmund , Germany
Corinna Mieth, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Elvio Baccarini, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Ana Matan, University of Zagreb, Croatia

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