
Call for Papers

Theme: Histories of Knowledge
Subtitle: Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in
Intellectual History
Type: International Society for Intellectual History Conference 2022
Institution: International Society for Intellectual History (ISIH)
   Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Location: Venice (Italy)
Date: 12.–15.9.2022
Deadline: 30.4.2022


The International Society for Intellectual History is pleased to
announce the Call for Papers for its 2022 conference to be held in
Venice. The conference addresses the knowledge-power entanglement in
intellectual history, including at the level of historiography.

In recent years, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, the growth of
global inequalities, and the emergence of global conspiracy theories
have brought to the fore the political dimensions of knowledge by
eliciting debates on issues such as post-truth, the crisis of
expertise, and the control of data and information. Drawing
inspiration from the pressing issues of today’s world, ISIH2022 will
use the lens of intellectual history to explore the mutual influence
of ideas stemming from the political and cultural realms, ranging
from philosophy to the sciences, the arts, and literature. We also
invite material and social inquiries into the political and cultural
conditions that inform knowledge construction at three different
levels: its roots, its validation processes, and its implications.
This type of approach, which investigates the politically-informed,
ever-changing historical conditions of knowledge, is what we refer to
as ‘political epistemology’.

Collectively, we aim to foster enquiry into the interplay of the
political and the intellectual, including (but not limited to) the
topics listed below, from Western as well as global perspectives:

- Political legitimation of evidence claims in the history of
- Post-truth epistemologies as a cultural-political problematic
- Crises of expertise in history
- Environment, ecology and politics in intellectual history
- Global and local asymmetries of knowledge in intellectual history
- Gender, race, sexuality, and power in the history of knowledge
- The material practices of knowledge making
- Histories of science, histories of knowledge, and politics:
  historiographical continuities and ruptures
- Loci of knowledge production (geographies, laboratories,
- The politics and epistemology of labour organisation
- The place of agency in processes of knowledge production
- The knowledge and politics of Otherness

We invite anyone working on these topics, or in any relevant field of
intellectual history, to submit proposals for 25-minute papers.
Proposals for panels, consisting of three or four papers, are also
welcome. Papers and panels may concentrate on any period, region,
tradition or discipline relevant to the conference theme. The
language of the conference is English.

Keynote speakers:
Vera Keller (University of Oregon)
Shaul Bassi (Ca’ Foscari)

The deadline for proposals is April 30, 2022.
Proposals should be in the form of a 300-word abstract and a 150-word
biography; in case of a panel proposal, it shall also comprise a
panel description. Please send proposals to the organizers Pietro D.
Omodeo, Lavina Maddaluno, and Rodolfo Garau to the email address:

Registration fees will be 50€.
Discounted fees will be available for unfunded scholars and students.

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