
Conference Announcement

Theme: Knowing the Distance
Subtitle: Intersectional, Decolonial and Affective Approaches to
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary
Medicine Vienna
   Doctoral School of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Location: Vienna (Austria) – Online
Date: 19.5.2022


This workshop explores critical approaches to the marginalisation of
knowers and knowledges. With an awareness of the distance between
differently situated knowers, a recognition of the pervasiveness of
coloniality in epistemology, and an acknowledgment of the plurality
of axes of oppression, this workshop brings together intersectional,
decolonial, and affective approaches to knowledge. Primarily, we
explore the possible roles for empathy or affective engagement in
sharing knowledges across epistemic distance — and the role of
affective-embodied knowledge in resistant and emancipatory
epistemologies themselves.

The workshop format is primarily discursive, encouraging ongoing
exchange between participants and attendees. We strongly encourage
and warmly invite the participation of anyone interested in these
issues, academically, socially, politically or personally. Workshop
attendance is free and very much open to everyone.


May 19. 2022, 10.00-16.00h (CEST)

"Knowledge, Power, & Resistance: The Role of Resistant Knowledge
Projects in Building Coalitions Against Oppression"
Kelly Agra (University College Dublin & University of the Philippines)

"Can empathy help to counter-act epistemic violence and
injustices?" [provisional title]
Taynna Marino (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)

"Academic Violence - Why are BIPoC* not being heard? Decolonial
resistance against academic failures of hearing and acting towards
all marginalized people"
Tường Vi Nguyễn (FU Berlin)

"How can affective engagement help bridge the gulf between
differently situated knowers?"
Rhona J. Flynn (University of Vienna / Messerli Research Institute)

Full details, abstracts, and online registration here:


Rhona J. Flynn
Unit of Human-Animal Ethics
Messerli Research Institute
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Vienna (Austria)
Email: rhona.fl...@vetmeduni.ac.at


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