Thanks for the advice Ytai. I'm still not out of the woods though.
My first attempt was to try IOIOService. That is a bit too powerful as 
MainActivity has some graphic elements that I need to communicate with.
I ran into real trouble with runOnUiThread since in the IOIOService I no 
longer have the Main Activity class. That got a finish command.

Your second idea of Fork IOIOActivity looks more promising but since I'm 
still new to the android world I don't know how to do the fork.
I understand that it is basically a new thread which perhaps I can send the 
MainActivity object, so that I can do a runOnUiThread on the main activity 
The nuts and bolts of exactly how to do this are unclear to me. I tried to 
google around for some sort of example or tutorial but I must be missing 
the appropriate key words.

It also isn't clear to me why in the original application the IOIO board 
was disconnected when my application itself kept running. I have a timer in 
my application and I can see that it keeps progressing even when the IOIO 
board has been disconnected. It is clear to me why the application would 
continue but the connection to the IOIO board wouldn't continue.

In any case, presumably if I fork off my own class which has IOIOActivity, 
then that class wouldn't die when the android display shut down. Exactly 
the correct commands to create and control such a class are not clear to 
me. On the other hand I do want my main activity, or something else, to 
have control over what the IOIO board is doing.

If you can point me in the right direction to get my hands on some sample 
code, I would greatly appreciate it.


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