On 2007-03-01, Sam Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comments?

I didn't bother to read all the technical explanation in detail,
but it seems to me that you're not after what I'm after. You're
after a more complex system, where all tags are merely informational,
meta-data, whereas in my system the tags are the identity. My system
merely removes the order of path elements from the traditional file 
system, whereas in your system files have "flat" organisation, and 
they can be tagged in various (ordered?) ways for searching, and 
uniqueness of file names has to be enforced separately from tagging.
(How else do you provide persistent search results? That's a key
component in my system: persistency of locations. Adding new files
does not stop a known path from working for opening a particular file.)

Or otherwise you're just unnecessarily distinguishing that file name.
In doesn't seem like what I'm after at all.


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