On 2009-04-09, Lukas Grässlin <lukasgraess...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Propably a stupid question, but:
> Do you still work on ion or will you let it die (which would be very
> sad, because it's the only window manager I can productively work with)

I don't have the time to really work on it.. and it would all in
any case be wasted keeping up with the degradation of X and other
dependencies. In any case, I'll try to fix bugs (I still have a
cygwin X), although ATM the the VCS switch is still in progress,
and nothing really happening... it's too much pain to convert
a multi-repository project, the usual tools even fail on the
repositories thanks to the windows darcs being just broken...
which generally doesn't work nicely enough with cygwin to keep
using. (And there's no cygwin darcs, because GHC sucks.)

If there's going to be any new development on Ion -- and
it seems doubtful that I'll find the time and energy,
although I'd really like to see my Ion4 ideas implemented
and tested -- it would most likely be in the direction of 
a Windows IDE: not even attempting to be a whole WM for 
Windows, but rather just running some cooperative 
apps/components (e.g. modified cygterm) in a nice
environment. That's how I use it now in any case:
as an "IDE" with xterms in it. It still depends on
X, however, which is something to remove from the loop.

But it's unlikely I'll find the time and energy...
I'd like to already move to the management department
and direct some code slaves. But what's more likely
and happening already, is an army of imitating monkeys,
all doing redundant work and producing shit due to
limited resources.

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