On 2009-08-14, Javier Rojas <jeroja...@devnull.li> wrote:
> I think is possible to avoid such behaviour by checking the tiling
> (or the ws) to close the frame only when there are more frames in the
> tiling. But I don't know how to ask Ion about how many frames are in a
> tiling (or in a workspace). Any suggestions?

One possibility is using WTiling.managed_i to go through
the list of objects managed by the tiling. RTFM on details,
but, e.g., the following snippet in Mod1+F3 prints the names
of everything (except the somewhat transient stdisp) managed
by the tiling:

                          return true

_ is the frame in which Mod1+F3 is opened, _:manager() is
typically the tiling object on tiled workspaces, etc. The
function must return true to continue iteration, false 
(or nil) to stop iteration. Just replace the print with
something that sets a (local) variable outside the iterated 
function to frame count, and stop iteration if this has 
become at least two.

In 1995, Linux was almost a bicycle; an alternative way of live to the
Windows petrol beasts that had to be taken to the dealer for service.
By 2008, Linux has bloated into a gas-guzzler, and the cycle paths 
have been replaced with polluted motorways.

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