On , Albert Shih <albert.s...@obspm.fr> wrote:
> Hi all.
> How can I tell ION to NOT grab the keyboard ?
> I've ask that because I try to use some «complexe» software (in fact
> blender), and he have use lot of F1 --> F12 keyboard shortcuts. I don't
> known how to change that (and I'm don't want to).
> So I would like to known if it's easy to make ION don't do anything when I
> launch blender all ION is disable ?
> Regards.

It's possible to use 'WClientWin.quote_next(cwin)' to send the next
keypress to the client window, but to get exactly what you're
describing here, you'd have to use a ion hook of some kind to switch
(or turn off) key bindings, RTFM/lookup some examples for details.
(and yes, it's easy)

Also, there's always the possibility of changing ion keybinds so that
they don't intersect with blender's. (using an extra modifier key, for

> NB: Tuomov : where is your web page about ION ?
> http://www.modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/ give me a error.

I'd like to know about that too...

M Rawash

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