Dear Team,

I am trying to build Iotivity as mention in below page. I am member of OCF 

I am compiling Iotivity on Ubuntu 16.04 machine for target arch as "arm".[]=arm&s[]=based&s[]=platforms<>

Had downloaded arm GNU arm compiler for Linux 
(  with all 32 bit dependent 

The TC_PATH i am providing where i downloaded the arm compiler i.e /usr/local/.

As per the steps provide i am confused with below details you have mention.

1.       Also i am not able to get any read info on these things too.

?  TC_PREFIX=<Prefix of tool chain compiler> For E.g.: 
TC_PREFIX=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-  ( What is the '-' mean here, do i have to 
provide any prefix after - . I saw script using ar, gcc,as,ranlib )

?  TC_PATH=<Tool Chain Path> For E.g.: 
 ( I don't understand that what is this, by default there is no file system in 
Linux as /opt. Is this have any meaning)

2.    As mention in step 2 below to add the toll chain header/lib , in the 
screen shoot attached it is mention "libc" . Is this the library or folder you 
have directed. ?

Add the correct location of toolchain Headers/Libraries for sys_root in 

I have edit the file with correct path of libc.a .

3.       In Step 4 after downloading and Update the 
CPPPATH/LIBPATH for UUID Headers/Libraries in required SConscript.

a.       What is this line for - {{:arm_uuid_path.png?200|}}. This is a syntax 
error .

4.       This is the command i am using to build. But every time i am facing 
lot of errors in build.I have verify from my side that arm library path is 
correct.  EX: When i run this error i am facing.  Sh: arm-none-eabigcc not found


Please let me know on this.  There is no other information how to go further. 
Waiting for your reply.


Aakash kaushal


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