On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:56 PM, George Nash <george.n...@intel.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get a list of remote endpoints for an IoTivity C
> client?
> In C++ I call
> OC::OCPlatfrom::findResource() with  /oic/res and a callback to catch the
> found resources (OCResource in C++).
> Once I have a resource I can call myResource.getAllHosts() to get a C++
> vector showing all the hosts (endpoints) for that resource.
> I can then change it to a different endpoint by passing one of the
> endpoints from the getAllHosts() into the setHost member function.
> I can now call myResource.get(…) to call get using the new endpoint.
> In C is a little different but the basic flow is the same.
> Call OCDoResource(…,OC_REST_DISCOVER, uri, .. callback,..) to get a list
> of the resources.
> Now I have the resource in the form of a OCClientResponse
> How do I get a list of all the servers endpoints (aka OCDevAddr).  I know
> how to get the OCDevAddr from the OCClientResonce that was a result of the
> OC_REST_DISCOVER call. I don’t know how to get the other endponts so I can
> then switch to a different endpoint when making the OCDoResource(..,
> Basically in C how do I get the same information as calling getAllHosts()
> in C++?
I don't know about the C++ API, but the remote endpoints are in the
discovery payload. In octypes.h: OCDiscoveryPayload -> OCResourcePayload
-> OCEndpointPayload



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