Hats off to Rami for his "Where are you" survey.

Maybe we should be a little more ambitious and do something like

What questions should we ask? Here are some.

* What languages do you use/prefer for programming iotivity?

* Iotivity, or iotivity-lite?  I.e. what kind of environment is important
to you: very constrained, kinda constrained, not at all?

* What hw devices are you using?

* Which market segments are you working in? Home? Health? Agriculture? Etc.

* Are you getting paid to work on iotivity projects?

* Do you work on iotivity itself, or do you only work on iotivity

* What do you consider the strong/weak points of iotivity?

* How would you prioritize the following potential tasks for iotivity: more
language bindings, documentation, examples, etc etc.

I could come up with 100 more. What about you?


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