On 1/30/19 8:02 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> Not sure if the build options help or not.  Just for informational
> purposes, here are the builds the Jenkins CI system does, and those
> builds are passing. (Note it builds twice, once in development mode,
> once in release mode).
> $ EXEC_MODE=False ./auto_build.py linux_secured_with_java
> *********** Build for linux with Java support and secured ************
> Would run : scons VERBOSE=1 RELEASE=false SECURED=1 ERROR_ON_WARN=1
> *********** Build for linux with Java support and secured ************
> Would run : scons VERBOSE=1 RELEASE=true SECURED=1 ERROR_ON_WARN=1
> ===================== done =====================
> $ EXEC_MODE=False ./auto_build.py linux_unsecured_with_java
> *********** Build for linux with Java support ************
> Would run : scons VERBOSE=1 RELEASE=false ERROR_ON_WARN=1 BUILD_JAVA=1
> *********** Build for linux with Java support ************
> Would run : scons VERBOSE=1 RELEASE=true ERROR_ON_WARN=1 BUILD_JAVA=1
> ===================== done =====================

Hmmm, I just poked around a bit, looks like there's been some bit-rot in
the build.  I'm seeing that the above unsecured build doesn't set
SECURED=0 so the CI system is never actually testing the unsecured Java
build. That's probably an oversight from the transition to secured build
becoming the default.  And if I try an unsecured build it doesn't work
*unless* you also set WITH_CLOUD as in Ondrej's example, although the
problem is different than what you're seeing (there's a problem linking
a shared library because the cloud library is missing in that mode).

Sorry this is not really helping answer your question...

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