
I'm learning how to use bcc tools and to have a goal I was trying to read
HTTP data before it gets encrypted, so, locally, I can read https traffic
(actually, anything using openssl).

I have modified some examples found on the web and done this:

It works well for outgoing data, showing the request, but incoming data
just shows the first line:

% sudo python sniff_openssl.py
        TIME(s)    COMM             PID
WRITE: 0.000000000        curl             27088  4
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: google.es
User-Agent: curl/7.50.1
Accept: */*

READ: 0.041576303        curl             27088  4
C=US; O=Google Inc; CN=Google Internet Authority G2

I was trying to uderstant that happens behind bpf_probe_read function, but
it goes deep in the kernel.
Any idea?


P.S.: my real goal is try to decipher http2 requests, but I think is easy
to begin with http1.1/SSL first.
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