First, a little background.  In ATCA the shelf MC (ShMC) takes the place
of the BMC.  Typically ipmitool will establish an RMCP session with the
ShMC.  To get the message from the ShMC to an AMC, the message has to be
"bridged" through the carrier.  You use the -B -T -b and -t options to
accomplish this.

First, check the connection to the carrier.

ipmitool -I lan -H <ipaddr> -U <user> -P <pass> -B 0 -T <addr> fru

Where <ipaddr> is the IP address of the ShMC, and <user> and <pass> are
the username and password accepted by the ShMC.
<addr> is the IPMB-0 address of the carrier, which depends on the slot
it is in.
The address range is 0x82, 0x84, 0x86 .... 0xA0

If this succeeds, it will display the FRU information for the carrier
containing the AMC.

Next, bridge to the AMC.  The AMC is on IPMB-L, which is defined to be
bus 7.

ipmitool -I lan -H -U <user> -P <pass> -B 0 -T <addr> -b 7
-t <amcaddr> fru

Where <amcaddr> is the IPMB-L address of the AMC.
The address of the AMC depends on which slot it is in.  The range is
0x72 - 0x80 for AMC.0 1.0 carriers, and is extended for AMC.0 2.0 and
MicroTCA.  Your carrier manual or data sheet should describe the slot

If this succeeds, it will display the FRU information for the AMC.

I hope this answers your question.

  - Kevin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tristan Pahor [] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Ipmitool-devel] ipmi message components
> Hello,
> I'am testing an AMC board (Vadatech ethernet) with the 
> ipmitool and I'am stuck at the begining. 
> The IPMI standard says that the IPMI message that is sent 
> from the BMC to the satelliteMC consists of several bytes. 
> Those are: requester slave address, netFn, responder slave 
> address, command and so on...
> If you send the message from the ipmitool you only use netFn, 
> command, and a few other bytes, but without the slave addresses. 
> So, my question is, how do you specify to which satelliteMC 
> you intend to send the message and how do you know which 
> address has the targeted satelliteMC?
> Thank you for your help!
> Tristan

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