On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Pat Donlin <p...@sgi.com> wrote:
> Hi Zdenek - nice to see you are thinking about the PEF interface. Much
> better than clumsy "raw" commands. Some comments on each item:

Hello Pat,

I'm not exactly sure whether you haven't misunderstood the whole thing.

Original post: https://sourceforge.net/p/ipmitool/mailman/message/31943679/
Bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/ipmitool/bugs/312/

This is only to outline interface rather its implementation as can be
seen from the diff attached to bug and sent to mailing list. I'm going
to leave implementation to others.

> On 5/24/2014 9:21 AM, ipmitool-devel-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:

>>> 30.1 Get PEF Capabilities
>>>   * 'pef info' - it's ok, but should be accompanied/complemented with
>>> 'pef capabilities' or something
> I would prefer the capabilities to be a separate option.

Yes, they're separate, although synonymous.

>>> 30.3 Set PEF Config Parameters
>>> 30.4 Get PEF Config Parameters
>>>   * 'pef policy list'
>>>   * 'pef policy enable <policy_id>'
>>>   * 'pef policy disable <policy_id>'
>>>   * 'pef policy create <policy_id> <params>'
>>>   * 'pef policy delete <policy_id>'
>>>   * and the same thing for 'pef filters'
> Will this also include settings such as the Action Global control, Start
> Delay, Alert Delay?
> The PEF filters themselves - each PEF entry has a lot of parameters. Are
> you considering simply all numeric values for each byte, or names for
> values?
> I would suggest that in many cases the last 9 bytes aren't used, hence
> if not supplied then default to zero.

Parameters aren't specified, so it can be anything. Really, feel free
to build on what I've written or say it's bad idea completely :)
Also, let me add that my feeling is some of PEF stuff isn't intended
for human beings to fiddle with.

>>> 30.7 Alert Immediate
>>>   * unresolved - I haven't figured out this one
> I have in the past used a dummy sensor number to make an alert
> immediate, but it does not seem to be a universal solution.

I meant I haven't found fitting "alias" for this one, nothing more.


> Regards,
> Pat
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