gabriel montenegro writes:
> Perhaps we need more details on what exactly we mean by "the
> endpoint thus must verify the sanity of the WESP header before accepting
> the packet"? And the action to drop the offending packet?

Yes. I think we need very specific rules with MUSTs in them to say
that packet MUST be dropped if ESP-NULL packet has Next header field
in WESP header which do not match the real Next Header field in the
end. Also final recipient MUST check that the HdrLen or TrailerLen
fields in the WESP header match the negotiate SA and MUST drop the
packet if they do not match.

Next question is what values are used for HdrLen and TrailerLen if
encrypted ESP is used. If we use real values we do leak out
information, but on the other hand there is no point of giving that
information out as middle nodes cannot do anything with it.

Actually what are we trying to do if we send encrypted ESP with WESP
wrapper. If we are just making so that we can extend the WESP header
in the future, isn't the version bits enough for that? I mean if we do
not know why someone would want to use WESP encoding for encrypted ESP
now, why do we allow it?
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