> > If dpd is enabled then ikev2 counters keep updated frequently. 
> This depends on how often you do DPD... Obviously, you want dead
> IKE_SAs to go away eventually, but e.g. 30 minute DPD interval would
> be sufficient for that. If your DPD interval was close to the value 
> of N, that would not work well... but on the other hand, if you have 
> lot of traffic going back and forth, IKEv2 DPD won't get triggered..

You should not really have fixed timer for DPD. You should base your
DPD interval depending on the other things, i.e. if there is ESP
traffic coming from the other end to your site, there is no point of
doing DPD based on timer unless something else says otherwise.

If you start suspecting there might be something wrong with IKEv2 SA
(i.e. you receive ICMP or network goes down and comes up again etc),
then you might trigger DPD once to see if the other end is still

If you only trigger timer based DPD when there is no ESP traffic at
all (i.e. the both IKEv2 SA and IPsec SA are completely idle) then
there is no point of trying to use too short DPD timers as the SA is
idle anyways, and in such cases you do not need very fast recovery
from other ends crashes...

Only case where you might need more frequent timer based DPD is when
your traffic is unidirectional, i.e. you are sending ESP traffic to
other end but other end is not sending anything back. As this is not a
common case in normal operation, that is good indication there might
be something wrong and in such cases you should trigger DPD to verify
it the other end is up.

In general I consider syncing HA boxes after each IKEv2 Message (or
once per second etc) not too big problem. HA boxes are usually
directly connected with fast network cable (usually at least as fast
as their traffic in), and every single IKEv2 message requires some
cryptographic operations anyways, and is bigger than what it would be
to send short cleartext message to other HA telling "I finished
processing my request message id XXX at IKE SA YYY" or "I finished
processing my reply to message id XXX at IKE SA YYY and packet sent
was ZZZ" (you need to sync the reply packet data you sent to other end
just in case the packet was lost and other end didn't get it, so you
can retransmit it from HA pair). 

In any case you will loose all IKE SA which are in the middle of
exchanges when one of the devices goes down, as syncing intermediate
state from one device to other would be way too complex.
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