
When I researched for VPN solution for my company, IPsec was not an
option. Then IKEv2 was an option but yet met our requirements.

We chose from several SSL VPNs which also support ESP or UDP
transport. The key requirement IKEv2 doesn't meet is MFA functionality
and flexibility. Also, split dns functionality is missing.

The MFA we finally implemented is like

1. Users first authenticate themselves with username & password
2. according to the user's security group, another OTP authentication
step is needed or not. For users that OTP is needed, OTP
authentication is prompted or skipped if  (the device,the user) tuple
was authenticated recently (i.e. 24 hours)

* We could not get unique device id, so IP address and username are
used as the tuple. However we prefer to a generated permanent device
id by vpn client, the device's manufacturer-assigned id (or derived
hash if privacy is a concern), or time-limited http-cookie-like id
generated and returned by authenticator.

Our flexible 2FA authentication is implemented using RADIUS challenge.
The principles are

1. username & password authentication is used to integrated with
central user management. For ease of use, VPN client should be capable
of store password securely in device
2. authenticator controls the remaining authentication steps, and
decides which step should be done or be skipped.

Current IKEv2 doesn't provide an EAP authentication method to support
such flexible MFA use case. And in the new charter, there is no goal
of the kind.

IMHO, flexible MFA is most important for large scale enterprise
deployment. Please add it as a goal.

Wang Jian

IPsec mailing list

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