Valery Smyslov writes:
> > This should be happening anyways, as there will not be reordering happening
> > inside the TCP connection, so this will not cause issues for normal
> > cases.
> > 
> > Same for the IKE SA, i.e. the message-id must be larger than anything
> > seen before, not just something that is in the window.
> Isn't it easier to add a requirement that the received message must
> not be a replay? For example:
>                                       It should choose the TCP
>       connection on which it last received a valid and decryptable IKE or
>       ESP message that is not recognized as a replay of some early message.


Not replay == ESP packet we have not seen before that is still in
window != ESP packet which has largest sequence number.

I.e., attacker sends RST to the tcp connection, initiator recreates
TCP session, and initiator sends one ESP packet to the TCP connection
having sequence number of 0x1000. Attacker messes up with the TCP
connection so that responder never sees the ESP 0x1000 packet, and TCP
connection is reset. For example sends RST before the actual packet
reaches the responder, but after the attacker has seen the contents of
the packet in TCP stream.

Initiator then recreates tcp session with responder and sends some ESP
traffic with sequence numbers of 0x1001-0x1005. Attacker kills that
TCP connection, creates completely new TCP session and replays the old
ESP message with sequence number of 0x1000 (which was not seen by the
server before). Responder will accept this as valid non replayed ESP
packet, and will move all traffic to this new TCP connection.

The attack is not very efficient, and there are most likely easier
ways to do similar attacks, but there might be some other tricks
people might invent if we leave this thing open. Thats why I think it
is better to close it by saying that it is not enough to have valid
ESP packet which is not replay, but it must be valid ESP packet which
have sequence number that is higher than anything seen before.

One way of implementing that is to configure ESP replay window size to
be 1... 

> > So I would say MUST accept packets with fragmentation from TCP if
> > fragmentation is supported and enabled. SHOULD NOT fragment packets if
> > sending them to the TCP connection.
> I agree with your comment here, however I can see a reason for MAY - 
> some implementations may have a single configuration knob, that
> triggers between "always fragment" and "never fragment".
> These implementations may choose to always fragment
> (if the knob is on) regardless of the used transport just for simplicity.

So we are allowing this kind of stupid things because there might be
some implementation that will implement this new protocol and which
does not want to fix their own broken implementation about

I assume they do not really care about the fragment sizes, and will
fragment everything to 100 byte fragments, just because of simplicity?

Again SHOULD will not prevent that, and MUST accept will allow them
to work... Hmm.. and the responder SHOULD respond with fragments too
if I read RFC7383 right...

On the other hand sending fragments to the TCP connection is already
against SHOULD NOT in the RFC7383 which says that "IKE fragmentation
SHOULD NOT be used in cases where IP-layer fragmentation of both the
request and response messages is unlikely."...

So I think SHOULD NOT fragment is correct here, as it is directly
derived from the RFC7383...

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