Hi Ben & others,

I may be able to help on a few of these, but the editors (etc.),
please correct me if necessary.

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:42 PM, Ben Campbell <b...@nostrum.com> wrote:
> Ben Campbell has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-ipsecme-tcp-encaps-09: Discuss
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
> introductory paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-ipsecme-tcp-encaps/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have one (hopefully easy) point that I think needs to be fixed before
> progressing.
> Section 6, paragraph 6 says : "... if the TCP Originator stream is
> missing the stream prefix, or message frames are not parsable as IKE or
> ESP messages), it MUST close the TCP connection."
> IIUC, the entire point of having the stream prefix is to allow the TCP
> responder to demux between this protocol, and some other protocol that
> would normally run on that port. Saying it MUST close the TCP session
> seems to completely remove that value. I assume people meant to allow the
> respondent to delegate a stream out to some other protocol handler if the
> prefix is not present?

I believe that this is because there is presumed to be no other
service operating on the listening port (assuming a VPN concentrator),
but that's not explicitly stated either.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Substantive Comments:
> -2:
> -- 2nd bullet (and elsewhere)
> I think this needs a discussion about how those configured ports are
> likely to be in the assigned range, and the likely impact. (I recognize
> that tunneling over a port assigned to something else is a primary reason
> for doing this. I'm not arguing against it; I just think the implications
> warrant discussion.)
> -- 2nd to last paragraph: "This document leaves the selection of TCP
> ports up to implementations."
> I suspect "configurable local policy" would make more sense. Leaving it
> up to "implementations" leaves open the chance of different
> implementations making non-intersecting port choices, which doesn't help
> interoperability.

This may go more into unexplained assumptions... the clients
authorized to connect to the server would need to know the correct
port to establish a session and would be given that information
specific to the implementation.  With this assumption, the above
should be fine... but editors/AD/WG, please correct me if I am wrong.

> -3, first paragraph:
> Are people confident there will never, ever be a need to demux protocols
> other than IKE and ESP? If not, this approach may paint people in a
> corner in the future. I ask because we made similar choices with
> DTLS-SRTP [RFC5764] in demuxing DTLS and STUN, and it became an issue.
> See RFC7983 for a discussion. (Note that this would have been a DISCUSS
> point, but I think it's reasonably likely that there really won't be
> other protocols here. But I want to make sure people have thought about
> it.)
> -4, first paragraph: What is the expected behavior from a peers that do
> not support this spec when they receive a TCP stream with the magic
> number on a port for some other protocol?

Maybe listing assumptions up front in the draft would help _IF_ the
assumption is that the listening server is a VPN concentrator that
wouldn't be listening for other services.

> -6: First paragraph: It would be helpful to mention behavior on receipt
> of a stream without the magic number here. But see the DISCUSS point.
> -8: "... MUST support dynamically enabling and disabling TCP
> encapsulation..." seems unreasonably strong, especially since the
> requirement to try UDP before TCP is only a SHOULD. Does this contemplate
> situations where it might be impossible to use TCP on the after a network
> change?
> - Appendix A: Doesn't the use of the NULL cipher invalidate one of the
> primary reasons to use TLS? (Namely to obscure the fact that this is not
> HTTP, or whatever other protocol is assigned to the port?)

Editors/AD correct me if I am wrong, but...
No, if TLS is used with a NULL cipher, it'll pass inspection of a
middle box validating the protocol.  This doesn't need to use the
cipher as it's negotiating the IPsec connection.

> Editorial Comments:
> - Please expand IKE and ESP on first mention in both the abstract and
> body.

These are on the list of well known acronyms:

> -3, 2nd paragraph: s/"may be able"/"is able".
> -3.2, " The SPI field in the ESP header MUST NOT be a zero value."
> Is this a new requirement for this draft? That is, does ESP otherwise
> allow zero value SPIs? If not, please consider dropping the MUST NOT.
> -5.1: "...SHOULD always attempt negotiate IKE over UDP first"
> This is stated several times in the draft, more than once with the
> SHOULD. It's better to avoid redundant 2119 keywords.
> -6: "... IKE Figure 1 and ESP Figure 2... ": Broken section
> cross-references.
> -10, title: Please expand DPD.
> -12: Several previous sections pointed to section 12 for more information
> about why one needed to try direct connections or UDP before TCP. But I
> don't find any specifics on that in this section.
> - Appendix A: Why is this an appendix? It contains normative text that
> seems central to certain use cases. I was surprised to see no discussion
> about using TLS in section 11, where it seemed quite relevant.


Best regards,

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