From: Yoav Nir []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 2:54 PM
To: Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
Cc: IPsecme WG (
Subject: Re: [IPsec] Question about ipsecme-tcp-encaps

On 17 May 2017, at 20:39, Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) 
<<>> wrote:

I’ve been looking over the draft, and I think I see a potential DoS attack that 
does not appear to be addressed.  I’m writing this to see if there is something 
I missed (and if there isn’t, start discussion on how we might patch things up).

This is the scenario I’m looking at: Alice and Bob have a TCP-based IKE/IPsec 
connection established.

Then, Eve injects a TCP packet to Bob with Alice’s source IP (and with the 
appropriate TCP sequence numbers), and whose body consists of a single FF byte. 
 Eve does nothing else than that (other than possibly absorbing the TCP-ACK 
that Bob would send out, if that’d confuse Alice’s TCP stack…)

Alice will then send a legitimate packet, consisting of (for example) [Length = 
0x0124] [ESP Header][Body].  However, Bob’s TCP stack thinks it has already 
received the first byte, and so it’ll ignore it, and so will tell the 
application (IPsec) that it has received [0xff34][ESP Header][Body].

My TCP may be rusty, but I think Alice’s legitimate packet has the sequence 
number to indicate it is retransmitting the byte that Bob already has. I don’t 
know if that means that the new data overwrites the old data, that the old data 
remains, of that the stack checks that it matches.

I don’t think it’s defined within TCP (rather, it’s up to the individual 
stack); on the other hand, in general, the TCP stack has already handed off the 
byte to the application (the IPsec packet stream parser), and so it *can’t* 
overwrite it.

Of course, we could say “Eve modifies a valid TCP-encapsulated IPsec packet so 
that the first byte is 0xff”, and we have the same attack…

The IPsec packet parsing code would interpret this as an extremely long 
encrypted packet, and so will continue to absorb the next 0xfe00 bytes from 

It’ll then try to decrypt it; it’ll fail.  That, in itself, is not that big of 
a deal; we assume that an attacker who can modify packets at will is able to 
force a few packets to be dropped.

However, look what happens after that; the IPsec stream parsing code will then 
take the next two bytes of the stream, and try to parse them as ‘packet 
length’.  We stopped at a random location within the TCP stream, and so quite 
likely, we’re in the middle of an encrypted packet, and so the length will be a 
random value.  We’ll then try to parse the next bytes as a packet, and this 
will keep on going (blocking all Alice -> Bob traffic) until the end-of-packet 
the IPsec stream parser assumes just happens to fall on an actual packet 
boundary – obviously, that might be a while.

I agree. Once synchronization is lost, it may as well never be regained.

TLS uses a similar ‘record lengths appear in the TCP stream’ concept; however 
in the case of TLS, on decryption failure, you MUST close the connection (and 
so this repeated ‘get a random sequence of bytes and try to decrypt’ isn’t an 
issue); I didn’t see a similar mandate in the IPsec draft.

Was there something I missed?  The draft does have the text:

   If either TCP Originator or TCP Responder
   receives a stream that cannot be parsed correctly (for example, if
   the TCP Originator stream is missing the stream prefix, or message
   frames are not parsable as IKE or ESP messages), it MUST close the
   TCP connection.

a)      That’s in a paragraph that starts “If a TCP connection is being used to 
resume a previous IKE session…”; does it apply only in that case?
b)      An ESP message is of the form [SPI][Sequence number][Random bytes]; 
unless you happen to get a SPI < 256 or length < 8, it’s not clear how you 
could get something that is not of that format (unless you mandate that the ESP 
length must be a multiple of 4 bytes; in that case, you should state that 


I’d like to hear how TCP stacks really behave.

That said, most of us feed the IPsec stack with packets generated on networks 
with an MTU of 1500. Even if we add the IPsec over head on top of that, it’s 
still less than 2.5% of the space afforded by a 16-bit length field. At least 
for ESP packets.

If the receiver were to break the connection whenever it received some number 
(2?  3?) of packets that had a length field that exceeded 1544 (or whatever the 
maximum packet is for the particular algorithm) followed by an ESP field that 
was not zero,

“ESP field”; do you mean SPI?

this would fix the problem without letting Eve break the connection with just 
one injected byte.

I f you don’t’ use IKE fragmentation, then I believe IKE packets could be over 
the limit we picked (unless we picked a rather conservative one); would that be 
an issue?  So, was that something you were trying to address with the ESP field 

But there does seem to be something missing.

A more predictable was to detect loss-of-synchronization between the sender and 
the receiver would be to include one or two fixed (or predictable) bytes in the 
header (along with the Length field); this would mean that we would have quite 
high probability of detecting sync loss, without having an arbitrary length 
limit on the encrypted region.  If we pick a 2 byte value, that means that 
things stay on 4 byte boundaries…


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