We noticed that we're no longer getting AAAA results back for google.com when we do queries from a few of our recursive servers (other ones are fine).

A bit of searching revealed that a few of our servers are listed here http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/ipv6/statistics/data/no_aaaa.txt (there are 4 listed for AS20473, which are the ones I'm referring to)

However, I can't seem to find any information about why we'd be listed there, nor can I find anything telling me how to get delisted.

I found an old mailing list post talking about contacting dns-admin@ and google-ipv6@, however dns-admin bounces telling me to go to google.com/support, and google-ipv6@ bounces with 'The group google-ipv6@ does not allow posting through email.'

Is anyone here that can help me, or tell me who I should be talking to?

Brian Rak

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