On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 05:21:15PM +0100, Jatin Mistry wrote:
> Hi
> I am Jatin, i am in internship at my job and i need to boot ipxe on wlan.
> But the actual ipxe driver can't work with my laptop i cant see the wifi
> list ?
> can u help me ?

Ask the mentor of your internship these items

 * a network switch
 * a computer that can be a server for netbooting
 * a computer that can netboot client
 * cables

 * put it together
 * do a succesfull network boot
 * change / modify the software at *client* side
 * verify
 ** that the client uses the modifications
 ** still have a success network boot
 * understand what happens

Next step
 * do iPXE over WLAN
 * use the skills that you have learn previously

> The driver linux wifi for my laptop intel iwlwifi 4.10 firmware 22.39

As documented at http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html 

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven
ipxe-devel mailing list

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