On Wed, 1 May 2019 at 21:35, Travis Lazar <travis.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm bringing up a set of iPXE scripts on an Ampere Computing eMAG (aarch64) 
> system. I chain load the boot.netboot.xyz menu, which loads fine, OS distros 
> are present as expected, but none will execute an install.
> The root cause is the URL configurations. The linux install URLs are almost 
> always wrong for aarch64 builds of these distributions. It's easy to see in 
> Ubuntu's case where the standard base URL as set in boot.cfg (line 66) is set 
> to archive.ubuntu.com, however, all of the aarch64 builds exist and are 
> hosted on ports.ubuntu.com. When loading and executing a boot through the 
> menu a file-not-found error is given. I can replicate this across CentOS, 
> Fedora, and Ubuntu (all major versions of each). I haven't checked other 
> distros, but I assume the problem is consistent.
> What's the best way to move forward? I'm happy to help in whatever way I can, 
> but I'm a complete PXE/iPXE noob and would need some guidance on making the 
> correct code changes in the correct ways for a pull request. Otherwise, I'm 
> happy to assist another developer in hunting down the correct URL 
> configurations for each of these distros. Please advise.
> Thanks!
> --
> Travis Lazar
> Ampere Computing


Since you are mentioning boot.netboot.xyz I'm guessing you are using
scripts from there with these paths?
iPXE itself does not have any repos for these kind of things.

You should be reporting this to the project that hosts or creates
those scripts, remember to if possible provide information about where
the correct images can be found,
And maybe you could even suggest how the script can be modified to do
correct detection.
I think there is a thread on the forum about how to do the detection.

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