
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Patrick Griffith, N0NNK / WPE9HVW
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Success! (was) To Les-- Semi-Monthly QSL Rant

Paul said sarcastically: If you just switched over 150 percent to a good
ole' fashioned PC, you wouldn't have a 30 second audio file or 1 picture
limit :)
Paul, I generally ignore most messages from you. Usually I simply delete
them when I see your name in the header. It has been noted repeatedly on
this, and other reflectors, that you apparently feel the need to reply
to absolutely everything regardless of whether or not you actually know
anything about the subject at hand. I noticed that you recently received
a very public slap on the hand about this very issue on one of the
professional broadcast engineering reflectors that you have invaded. But
you just don't seem to get it. 

I happened to read the above message from you because the subject line
indicated a thread that involved me. Since you chose to direct this
message to me publicly on this reflector, I will reply to you in the
same manner. 

Your remarks state only the very obvious and simply echo a discussion
that has already occurred here over the past few days. Your comment
serves absolutely no purpose other than to be snide and demeaning to me
and to wave your name in front of everyone on the reflector. And I want
you to know that I do not appreciate it. 

Paul, you need to clean your own house before you even think about
trying to clean mine.

Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO
Broadcast Technician
NRC Broadcasting - Denver

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