You may inspire us all to keep track of the total number of stations heard on 
the SRF-59. I heard three new stations tonight while "watching" the NFL 
Playoffs. Keep up the good work!

Bert New
Watkinsville, Georgia
Proudly Serving You Since 1964!

> Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 19:31:39 -0500
> To:
> Subject: [IRCA] Sony SRF-59 Totals Update......130 Stations now heard!!
> Hi Guys:
>    I managed to do a bit of late afternoon DX'ing on the SRF-59 today, 
> while waiting for the Wife to get home from work.
> Managed to add 5 more stations to the SRF-59 Logbook bringing the Total 
> heard now to 130 Stations. I have yet to sit down with this Radio and not 
> get something new to add to the SRF-59 Logbook ....and quite often I am 
> adding to the Total Heard on any Radio Logbook as well.
> The more I tune around with this thing......the more I wonder just what is 
> or isn't possible with this Radio. I'm having some problems trying to 
> figure out what frequency I am on at the TOP END of the Band as it is 
> squished up pretty good there. The bottom end is no problem as there's a 
> fair amount of space between stations. Man..I sure wish this radio had 
> Digital Readout.....I think I'd have another 100 stations by now!!
> I was joking about hitting 200 stations after I got 100 in 3 
> it doesn't seem that far fetched that we can hit 200....and maybe a lot 
> more with some hours at the dials.
> I know I can listen to any of the myriad of Receivers I own .........all 
> highend stuff and of course complete with Digital Readout...and a host of 
> other compliments....but just ain't as much fun as logging them 
> with this crazy little bugger!!!!! Maybe it just reminds me of laying in 
> bed as a kid listening to my Transistor Radio in the 60's and 70's....I'm 
> not sure.
> Bottom line is.....I'm having Fun....and I'm hearing some neat stuff. Spent 
> more time DX'ing this past week than I have in years!!
> Marching on to #200 with the SRF-59.....
> 73.ROB.
> Robert S. Ross VA3SW
> Box 1003, Stn. B.
> London, Ontario
> Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
> Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC
> Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)
> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«
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