Re -checking the Dutch website "Alle Legale Radio en TV Zenders in Nederland " 
(EE: All Legal radio and TV Senders in the Netherlands((Licenced land based 
broadcasters)) ) I could not find any time frame for the power boost at  Radio 
5 Nostalgia ( the latest name of the station on 747 AM).Most of the info in 
their  calendar of events mentions updates about the FM stations.On a couple of 
trips there and listening to them on my Sony ULR I travelled within about 20 KM 
of the Transmitter site,which is visible for miles from railroad tracks running 
from Amsterdam east across the polder area of Holland.There was no sign of 
distortion or IF images from the 400 KW output on both 747 and 1008,which were 
covering all of Holland and Belgium as far south as France with listenable 
strength and as far east as Cologne Germany with weak but understandable audio 
daytime. With the new output of 1096 KW I would guess that 747 now gets out to 
cover the eastern half of
 England (648 comes in good in Holland),all of Belgium, Brittany in France,Most 
of West Germany and south west Denmark,( The AM from Copenhagen was reaching 
northern Holland,) I wish I could get them here on the west coast but I don't 
think I have the equipment or location to pull it off therefore I'll rely on 
reports from anyone who can pick them up and let me know when it drops in on 
this side of the pond. Thanks.Bill in BC

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